Carbon Market Watch submission on UNFCCC Recognition and Accountability Framework

While Carbon Market Watch welcomes the introduction of UNFCCC guidelines for the net-zero pledges of businesses and other non-state major emitters, these guidelines must be designed to lead to actual accountability of these actors. Clear and ambitious criteria must be set for these net-zero pledges. Moreover, the guidelines cannot leave any room for offsetting as …

SBTi BVCM public consultation submission

The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) launched a public consultation on beyond value chain mitigation (BVCM) which inputs into guidance the SBTi is currently preparing and which will be released in the autumn of 2023. The consultation was divided into nine categories that touched upon BVCM-related definitions, processes, methods, resource deployments and finance, claims, reporting, …

Article 6.4 public consultation on removals

Carbon Market Watch welcomes the opportunity to provide inputs to the Supervisory Body on specific questions pertaining to removal activities. Our inputs respond to questions from the document ‘Guidance and questions for structured consultation on recommendations for activities involving removals’.

Green Claims Directive: Open Consultation

Misleading and unsubstantiated green claims are widespread and must be addressed. Tackling this ubiquitous problem through the GCD (as a complement to the “Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition” (ECGT) proposal) falls short due to the failure to ban one of the most pervasive and contentious green claims – neutrality claims.

Inputs to structured consultation on removal activities (Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement)

Carbon Market Watch welcomes the opportunity to provide inputs to the Supervisory Body on specific questions pertaining to removal activities. However, we note that the 2-week window to make submissions is extremely short and also overlaps with SB58, which many observer organisations that closely follow the Supervisory Body have attended – as a result, there …

Reporting obligations during the transitional period of the CBAM

Carbon Market Watch has reviewed the draft European Commission implementing regulation on the reporting obligations during the transitional period of the newly introduced Carbon Market Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). Whilst the proposed methodology could be considered rigorous, there are a few shortcomings that need to be urgently addressed. CMW’s recommendations encourage the framework to deliver an …

The 2040 homestretch: Enhancing EU climate action before and after 2030 – the role of the EU ETS and carbon removals

This policy document outlines recommendations for how the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) EU can help the EU decarbonise its economy by 2040. It was submitted in response to the European Commission’s public consultation on the EU climate target for 2040. 

In order to achieve this 2040 goal, the EU needs to raise its ambition now, not after 2030. Even though the ‘Fit for 55’ package of policy measures was only agreed at the end of 2022, it has one fundamental flaw which undermines its ability to deliver on the EU’s climate goals for this decade: it aims for a net decrease in emissions of at least 55% by 2030, at a time when the science clearly shows we need gross cuts of at least 65%. ‘Fit for 55’ needs to become ‘Fit for 65’ as soon as possible. The EU has run up a serious carbon deficit, this urgently requires the wise allocation of our remaining budget.