
Delegated Act on permanent emission storage through carbon capture and usage (CCU)

Carbon Market Watch supports a scientifically sound and environmentally integer use of permanent CCU in industry and under the EU ETS Directive to incentivise its deployment and obtain additional emissions reductions. To achieve this goal, it is essential to design incentives correctly and avoid incentivising carbon lock-in (or even increased use of fossil fuels).

Comparison of the Article 6.4 grievance process and the UN Green Climate Fund’s Independent Redress Mechanism

To illustrate the differences between the Article 6.4 grievance process and the UN Green Climate Fund’s Independent Redress Mechanism, we compared these two avenues for remediation with the UN Human Rights Council’s seven effectiveness criteria for grievance mechanisms as outlined in its Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. From this overview, the contrast becomes clear: the Article 6.4 grievance process performs significantly less well on all seven effectiveness criteria. The Article 6.4 Supervisory Body must therefore urgently rethink its approach to this crucial component of the 6.4 mechanism.

Submission to the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body on the sustainable development tool

This submission outlines Carbon Market Watch’s recommendations to the Supervisory Body. We recognise that a lot of work has gone into this new version of the draft. Nevertheless, a tool for environmental and social safeguards cannot be accepted when it is merely going in the right direction: it must be a tool that delivers truly robust safeguards.