NGO letter: Three key recommendations for CBAM ahead of ENVI committee vote

A well-designed Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) can bolster climate ambition in the European Union and internationally. It can help slash emissions from the goods we produce and import, and can stimulate the demand and supply of green industrial products.  Ahead of their vote on the CBAM proposal on 17 May 2022, we urge members …

Open Letter: Time to vote for an EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) that works for climate and industrial transformation

In this joint letter, Carbon Market Watch, WWF, CAN Europe, the EEB and other environmental organisations call on the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) to vote for ambitious reforms to the European Union’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) that will ensure that the EU’s carbon market will benefit the climate and lead to sustainable industrial decarbonisation in Europe.

Letter to Envi Council: Stop subsidising polluters through the ETS

Sent to EU environment ministers ahead of the Environment Council meeting of 20 December 2021, this joint letter demands that EU member states end the damaging practice of issuing free permits to energy-intensive industries under the Emissions Trading System (ETS). The signatories to the letter are partners in Life ETX, a project led by Carbon …

Letter to not offset climate inaction with forests

This letter was sent to President of the European Commission von der Leyen, Executive Vice-President Timmermans, Commissioner Simson, Commissioner Sinkevičus , Minister Matos Fernandes, MEP Guteland and other Members of the European Parliament, and Members of Coreper II. Forest restoration must not offset climate inaction in the agriculture, energy, housing, industrial and transport sectors. Yesterday …

Joint letter to the European Commission on sustainable fuels

Dear Vice President Timmermans, Commissioner Valean, Commissioner Simson, Commissioner Breton We, the signatories, write to express our support for the goals of the European Green Deal for shipping and aviation, notably the objectives to deploy sustainable alternative fuels/energy via a dedicated Fuel EU Maritime and ReFuelEU Aviation initiatives. Maritime and aviation transport are important parts …

NGO letter ahead of ISWG-GHG

The IMO Initial Strategy, the historic 2018 climate deal agreed to by over 100 countries, risks being undermined at negotiations next week – the Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships. The three most important principles of the IMO Initial Strategy are: The agreement that the Paris Agreement applies to shipping. Specifically, …