Open Letters to Companies involved in HFC-23 projects

In the context of our HFC-23 campaign, CDM Watch together with EIA, NOÉ 21 and German NGO Forum on Environment and Development has sent open letters to several companies regarding their involvement in HFC-23 projects.

Unsolicited Letter: Request on REV0186 to revise AM0001 for HFC-23 destruction and Request to review Project 0003

On behalf of CDM Watch, the Environmental Investigation Agency and Noe21 in relation to the recent revision request AM_REV_0186 to revise AM0001 as well as the request by the Ulsan HFC-23 destruction project (003) to renew the crediting period.  Request to to the CDM Executive Board to put the methodology AM0001 on hold with immediate …

Unsolicited Letter: Request on additionality doubts about Hangzhou Huadian Banshan Power Generation Co., Ltd.’s Natural Gas Power Generation Project (2705), China

After thoroughly following the validation history of the Natural Gas Power Generation Project (2705), the CDM Watch network in China has informed CDM Watch about serious doubts related to the authenticity of documents attempting to prove the prior consideration of the CDM. Given the doubts about the additionality of the project, CDM Watch requests the …