Comments on Validation of Gudur Thermal Power Project, India

We believe that this project is not additional and if approved, will lead to excess issuance of Certified Emissions Reductions (CER’s) beyond any actual emissions reduction. We emphasize that according our analysis of PDD the Project “Gudur Thermal Power Project” must not receive a positive validation under the ACM0013 ver. 4 methodology.

Comments to ERM Certification and Verification Services Ltd. Regarding the Sujiahekou Hydropower Station (China)

As demonstrated in the following sections, the project owner of Sujiahekou Hydropower Station: (1) could not have considered CDM before the construction began; (2) might have reported its project information untruthfully to either the National Development and Reform Committee of People’s Republic of China (hereafter referred to as “NDRC”) or the ERM Certification and Verification Services Ltd.; and (3) might not have obtained the necessary approval from the NDRC of the People’s Republic of China as required by law.

Open Letter to UK: UK Government must withdraw authorisation for Aguan and Lean CDM projects linked to assassinations and other human rights abuses in Honduras

The signatories to the letter call on the UK Government to immediately withdraw authorisation for the proposed CDM project “Aguan biogas recovery from Palm Oil Mill Effluent ponds and biogas utilisation” by Exportadora del Atlantico in Honduras. Authorisation for EDF Trading to purchase CDM credits (CERs) from this project was granted by the UK Government on 3rd June 2009, shortly before the military coup.

Unsolicited Letter: Application Barro Blanco Hydroelectric Project 3237, Panama

We would like to bring to your attention that not only the additionality of the Barro Blanco Project is seriously questionable, but that our concerns also relate to lack of adequate public consultation and the potential use of CERs for the compensation of affected communities as well as human rights abuses involving the company GENISA against the lands of the Ngobe indigenous peoples

Unsolicited Letter: Publishing of Methodology Panel Report on HFC-23 Issues (AM0001)

At the 58th CDM Executive Board meeting, the Board considered the outcome of the work undertaken by the Meth Panel on HCFC22 production and HFC-23 generation as related to methodology AM0001 and requested the Meth Panel to revise the methodology. The Board also requested the Meth Panel to consider the extent of revision of the …

Unsolicited Letter: Registration Request Aguan biogas recovery from Palm Oil Mill Effluent Project 3197, Honduras

On behalf of Biofuel Watch, Salva la Selva/Rettet den Regenwald and CDM Watch sent a letter to the EB to express our serious concerns about the proposed CDM project involving Exportadora del Atlántico in Bajo Aguan in Honduras. Our concerns relate to human rights abuses involving the company in question as well as serious questions regarding their claim to the land on which the oil palm plantations are located, and thus to the requirement for CDM projects to support ‘sustainable development’ and, furthermore, to additionality.

Open Letter to COP16 Presidency: HFC-23 Projects Undermining Credibility of UNFCCC Process

On behalf of the organisations listed above and civil society around the world, we call on your Excellency to ensure that the CMP decisions taken this week stop the issuance of carbon credits that do not represent real and additional emission reductions and that undermine developed countries’ mitigation commitments under the Kyoto Protocol and divert investment away from sustainable clean energy projects in a wider range of countries.