Decarbonising Steel: Options for reforming the EU’s Emissions Trading System

Steelmaking is one of the most carbon-intensive industries in the European Union. The sector emits 221 megatonnes of carbon dioxide each year. To ensure the EU achieves climate neutrality well before 2050, it is necessary to drastically reduce emissions in the steel sector. The EU’s Emissions Trading System is the key instrument for incentivising emissions …

A brief explanation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

Our FAQ document on the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) explaining its objectives, how it will work in practice, which sectors are covered, what happens during the transition phase, and more. This is a downloadable PDF. The text is also available as a webpage: A brief explanation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).

Respecting the laws of physics: Principles for carbon dioxide removal accounting

Executive summary We need technologies and processes to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, removals accounting and targets must remain separate from those for GHG emissions; and only real removals should be taken into account. Emission reduction and carbon dioxide removal accounting and targets need to be kept strictly separate to ensure removals can …

Briefing for ministerial discussions on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Introduction: The UK COP Presidency has planned informal ministerial consultations on July 7 and July 12, in order to make progress on Article 6, which is still in stalemate despite recent technical discussions. Ministers have been asked to discuss a set of framing questions on three key sticking points: double counting of emissions, possible transition …

Two Shades of Green: How hot air forest credits are being used to avoid carbon taxes in Colombia

Read the guide in Spanish Update 1 July: Verra published a statement in response to this report, questioning its findings and accusing it of using flawed methodologies. Our response to Verra is available here. Executive summary The Colombian government adopted a carbon tax of approximately US$5/tCO2e covering fossil fuels in 2016. Companies can avoid paying …

How can the EU Emissions Trading System support a union-wide coal phase-out

This policy paper complements the briefing “A New Hope – recommendations for the EU Emissions Trading System review” Introduction: The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) has been hampered by a historical oversupply since its inception. Since 2019, some of the excess allowances are being absorbed by the Market Stability Reserve (MSR), and a portion …

Survival guide to EU carbon market lobby: debunking claims from heavy industry

Executive summary The Emissions Trading System (ETS) is a centrepiece of the EU’s climate policy and its main tool to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from Europe’s industrial and power sectors. Until today, most of the emission reductions achieved under the EU ETS were driven by the power sector due to fuel switches in the …

Las dos caras del verde: El uso de bonos forestales por aire caliente para evitar impuestos al carbono en Colombia

En 2016 el gobierno colombiano introdujo un impuesto sobre las emisiones de carbono para combustibles fósiles de, aproximadamente, 5 USD por tonelada de CO2 equivalente. Las empresas pueden evitar el pago del impuesto con la compra de bonos de carbono de proyectos desarrollados en Colombia. Esto ha estimulado el mercado colombiano del carbono, que incluye …

How can the EU Emissions Trading System drive the aviation sector’s decarbonisation?

This policy paper complements the briefing “A New Hope – recommendations for the EU Emissions Trading System review” Introduction: The aviation sector is responsible for nearly 4% of the EU’s total CO2 emissions, and is the second biggest contributor to transport emissions, after road transport. While in flight, planes emit CO2 and also impact the …