Ce guide présente l’état actuel des marchés internationaux de crédits carbone. Il présente les éléments clés des marchés nouvellement établis dans le cadre de l’Accord de Paris, ainsi que le fonctionnement du marché volontaire du carbone, qui opère en dehors du système des Nations unies. Il se termine par une discussion sur le rôle de ces mécanismes dans l’action climatique et sur la manière dont ils devraient ou ne devraient pas être utilisés.
This guide gives an introduction to the current state of international carbon credit markets. It lays out key elements of the newly established markets under the Paris Agreement, and the functioning of the voluntary carbon market, which operates outside of the UN system. It concludes with a discussion of the role of these mechanisms in climate action, and how they should and should not be used.
This paper reviews a variety of regulatory approaches to carbon dioxide removals (including emissions trading systems, tax incentives and public direct subsidies) and voluntary approaches, and, building upon failures, promising concepts and lessons learned from the reviewed frameworks, sketches a blueprint for sensible CDR policy design.
In recent years, issues with the integrity of carbon crediting have gained more attention. This includes both the quality of carbon credits and the way how carbon credits are being used.
How the absence of standard rules on benefit sharing arrangements hurts local communities and indigenous peoples How and to what extent are the benefits from carbon credit sales shared with those implementing the projects and the local communities where the projects are located? This is the question Öko-Institut investigated and the resulting report, commissioned by …
Read more “A fair share of the voluntary carbon market?”
A companion to ‘A framework for assessing the climate value of temporary carbon storage’, this document provides a summary for policymakers based on the scientifically grounded evidence from climate economist Danny Cullenward’s research.
This paper commissioned by Danny Cullenward, examines current scientific consensus to unpack the climate value of temporary carbon storage and to identify what the minimum storage duration needs to be for them to have a perceptible climate impact.
Cette note d’information évalue systématiquement l’efficacité des quatre méthodologies basées sur des projets les plus populaires de l’organisme de normalisation Verra pour générer des crédits carbone à partir de projets qui protègent les forêts (REDD+).
Un informe basado en la investigación del Berkeley Carbon Trading Project que muestra cómo Verra concede a los desarrolladores una gran flexibilidad a la hora de calcular las reducciones de emisiones, y explica cómo esto ha dado lugar a la atribución excesiva de créditos.
A briefing based on Berkeley Carbon Trading Project research showing how Verra grants developers a large amount of flexibility when estimating emission reductions, and explains how this has resulted in overcrediting.