Summary of the 70th CDM Executive Board Meeting

This report is a short summary of the most relevant outcomes of the 70th CDM Executive Board meeting, held in Doha in November 2012 before COP18. This summary provides information about key decisions taken at the meeting and includes our comments.

Carbon Market Watch Analysis COP-18: We won a game of poker on the Titanic!

Much to our regret, countries who met at COP18 in Doha did little to address the billion tonne gap we need to close in order to keep us safe from catastrophic climate effects: No new mitigation pledges were made and most loopholes remain. Yet, some positive decisions were taken: Parties did agree that no new hot air should be created in the next Kyoto commitment period and that only a limited amount of the 13 billion tonnes of Hot Air from the first commitment period can be used.

Point Carbon Study on the Carry-Over of AAUs from CP1 to CP2 – Future Implications for the Climate Regime

Executive Summary Assigned Amount Units (AAUs) are emission rights that were introduced under the Kyoto Protocol. One AAU allows a country to emit one metric tonne of CO2e. For the first Kyoto commitment period (2008-2012), each country with an emissions reduction commitment (Annex B) received AAUs that were equivalent to the number of tonnes it …

Policy Brief: The Phantom Menace – An introduction to the Kyoto Protocol Allowances surplus

With less than six months left of the first commitment period of the international climate regime, the Kyoto Protocol, there still is no agreement between Parties on the ‘AAU surplus issue’. We explain why resolving this issue – which is currently being negotiated under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – is …

Summary of the 66th CDM Executive Board Meeting

This is a summary of the most relevant outcomes of the last CDM Executive Board meeting. It was the first meeting in 2012. You find information about the discussions and decisions at the meeting, including our comments. Feel free to get in touch if you would like to get involved and/or have comments and feedback. We added links to relevant documents where possible! All documents and annexes of the 66th meeting can be downloaded from the UNFCCC site here and here.

CDM Watch Summary of the European Commission Study on the Integrity of the Clean Development Mechanism

In December 2011, the European Commission published the “Study on the integrity of the Clean Development Mechanism”[1]. Under European Commission contract, this study was carried out by AEA, the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) and CO2logic. The study consists of one final report presenting the findings of seven accompanying briefing papers. The objectives of this study were to develop an in-depth understanding on the current CDM system (its merits and shortcomings) and options for reform as well as potential alternative mechanisms and their impacts.

Policy Brief: Hydro Power Projects in the CDM

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was designed to bring clean and sustainable development to poor countries while enabling rich countries to achieve their emissions reductions cost efficiently. Hydro power makes up 30% of all carbon offsets projects registered under the CDM. Despite delivering renewable energy, these projects have faced sharp criticism for their failure to reduce emissions and for negative social and environmental impacts.

CDM Watch COP17 Booklet

CDM Watch was very active at COP 17. We published our own newsletter “Watch This!”, organised several events, collaborated with many other NGOs and lobbied delegates. We mainly focused on issues related to the CDM, particularly on human rights, public participation, appeals procedure, coal power projects and CCS in the CDM. We also covered issues beyond the CDM, such as Joint Implementation, new market mechanisms and the existing loopholes in the rules of the conventions. Our booklet is a compilation of outputs in Durban.