This Carbon Market Watch policy briefing assesses and scores the various proposals of parties to the IMO to decarbonise the shipping industry
This Carbon Market Watch policy briefing assesses and scores the various proposals of parties to the IMO to decarbonise the shipping industry
Carbon Market Watch commissioned environmental consultants Ricardo to produce a study comparing the functioning of the EU ETS and CORSIA, and their respective climate ambitions. In this policy briefing, we present the study’s main findings and formulate policy recommendations.
The 2015 Paris Agreement established the global ambition to “achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the second half of this century”. This is more commonly referred to as “net zero GHG emissions”. To reach net zero targets, substantial gross emissions reductions of over 90% …
Read more “Carbon negative handbook”
This Carbon Market Watch policy briefing assesses and scores the various proposals of parties to the IMO to decarbonise the shipping industry
This briefing in collaboration with NGO allies outlines the guiding principles necessary for a truly just Social Climate Fund
The Social Climate Fund (SCF) is the first EU fund developed with the explicit purpose of alleviating energy and transport poverty resulting from the transition towards zero-emission mobility and decarbonised buildings. Our latest FAQ has the answers to everything you always wanted to know about the SCF.
A new report finds that despite improvements, serious shortcomings persist in the grievance mechanisms of the standards. These shortcomings limit the access to recourse for those adversely affected by carbon market projects.
As the line increasingly blurs between UN REDD+ and Article 6.2 carbon markets, this briefing sets the record straight. This comparison demonstrates that these two systems do not serve the same purpose and do not have comparable quality requirements. Urgent finance is needed for forest conservation, but Article 6.2 carbon markets are not the way.
As this year’s edition of the CCRM reveals, the median absolute emissions reduction commitments by 2030 for the 51 companies assessed was as little as 30% (and 33% at the most optimistic), whereas the world needs a 43% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and 48% in carbon emissions below 2019 levels to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5°C.