FAQ: Social Climate Fund

The Social Climate Fund (SCF) is the first EU fund developed with the explicit purpose of alleviating energy and transport poverty resulting from the transition towards zero-emission mobility and decarbonised buildings. Our latest FAQ has the answers to everything you always wanted to know about the SCF.

Decade of (in)action: Are corporate 2030 climate plans fit for purpose?

As this year’s edition of the CCRM reveals, the median absolute emissions reduction commitments by 2030 for the 51 companies assessed was as little as 30% (and 33% at the most optimistic), whereas the world needs a 43% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and 48% in carbon emissions below 2019 levels to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5°C.

EU ETS 101: A beginner’s guide to the EU’s Emissions Trading System (2024 update)

This beginner’s guide to the EU ETS aims to build knowledge and understanding of Europe’s carbon market for civil society organisations who have little or no prior experience with EU climate policies, especially in countries in the EU neighbourhood. It provides introductory knowledge on how the EU ETS is designed and how it functions. Increased …


Checklist and template for effective beyond value chain mitigation action (condensed version)

This condensed template provides guidance on best-practice reporting for use by companies to communicate clearly how they contribute to climate action beyond their own value chains, the so-called “beyond value chain mitigation” (BVCM). This template is meant to be used as a complement to existing climate disclosure forms, which focus on companies’ within value-chain impacts …