SB42 – Bonn Negotiation

 Carbon Market Watch will be closely following the UNFCCC negotiations from Bonn, Germany. The Bonn UNFCCC session kicks off real negotiations on the text agreed in Geneva in February. Those elements of the text that are agreed by Parties will become parts of the Paris Protocol, which should be completed in December this year. The …

COP19 Analysis Editorial

After a 40 hour negotiating marathon, COP19 concluded with a package of decisions and an even bigger bunch of undecided issues that will be discussed at the next session in June 2014.

COP19: #3 Kick coal out of the CDM!

Carbon Market Watch protested outside the venue of the International Coal Summit alongside CAN Europe and other organisations. A lot has been said about the outrageous decision to have an International Coal Summit at the same time as the UNFCCC climate talks here in Warsaw.

COP19 #2: Shopping cart for anything goes (SCAG)

At a workshop in June, the UNFCCC Secretariat had the glorious idea that maybe it would move things along more swiftly if we came up with a new name for the so called FVA- the Framework for Various Approaches.
How about SCAG – Shopping Cart for Anything Goes. Not that we like a SCAG but it sure looks like one right now.

COP19 blog

Today, Carbon Market Watch protested outside the venue of the International Coal Summit alongside CAN Europe and other organisations. A lot has been said about the outrageous decision to have an International Coal Summit at the same time as the COP19 climate talks here in Warsaw.

Herding the global carbon market cats: Recommendations for the negotiations of the FVA

Countries agreed at COP17 in Durban that various approaches, including opportunities for using markets and non-markets, may be used to enhance the cost-effectiveness of, and to promote, mitigation actions. At COP18 in Doha it was decided that these approaches shall be governed by a Framework for Various Approaches (FVA). In November 2013, Parties will attend COP19 in Warsaw and will continue discussing the FVA.