Hidden in plain sight: Flawed renewable energy projects in the voluntary carbon market

Whilst REDD+ credits have been the subject of intense media and civil society scrutiny, the same cannot be said of renewable energy projects, which are plagued by similar issues when used for offsetting, yet manage to hide in plain sight. Serious concerns exist regarding the use of renewable energy projects to generate carbon credits. Those …

January newsletter editorial: Europe’s sustainable energy quandary

Dear friends, Shortly before a dinner guest around our New Year’s Eve table asked me whether it will really be possible to satisfy all our future energy needs with electricity from renewable sources, the European Commission slipped through its controversial proposal for what constitutes green investment.  In the Commission’s draft addition to the green taxonomy, …

Member’s insight: A case of Coal Phase-In for India

Scroll down for French and Spanish This is a guest contribution by Chandrachur Ghosh, an expert on the coal sector. Under the Paris Agreement coal phase out commitments are a necessity if we are to meet the goal of staying below 1.5C warming. In recent years the world has witnessed increased divestment from coal and …