Carbon Market Watch submission on UNFCCC Recognition and Accountability Framework

While Carbon Market Watch welcomes the introduction of UNFCCC guidelines for the net-zero pledges of businesses and other non-state major emitters, these guidelines must be designed to lead to actual accountability of these actors. Clear and ambitious criteria must be set for these net-zero pledges. Moreover, the guidelines cannot leave any room for offsetting as …

Inputs to structured consultation on removal activities (Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement)

Carbon Market Watch welcomes the opportunity to provide inputs to the Supervisory Body on specific questions pertaining to removal activities. However, we note that the 2-week window to make submissions is extremely short and also overlaps with SB58, which many observer organisations that closely follow the Supervisory Body have attended – as a result, there …

Ship wreck

International shipping’s new climate plan provokes storm of protest

Green groups criticised the International Maritime Organisation’s failure to raise the shipping sector’s climate ambition sufficiently to ensure that this highly polluting sector navigates a course that is compatible with keeping global temperature increases within the 1.5°C limit set out in the Paris Agreement.

Greta Thunberg and other activists at the Bonn climate change conference

Penetrating the technical fog clouding Article 6 carbon markets

Following the technical deadlock and glacial pace of progress at the Bonn climate conference, negotiators need to get their act together before COP28. Climate commitments should shape the further development of carbon markets under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, otherwise the environment and society will lose out.

COP27 FAQ: Article 6 of the Paris Agreement explained

The rules governing carbon markets agreed at the COP26 in Glasgow need to be translated into functioning and effective mechanisms at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh. This handy Carbon Market Watch guide explains Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, how it works and main the issues at stake.

Carbon Market Watch recommendations on carbon market infrastructure for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

This note aims to inform countries and negotiators discussing the establishment of new infrastructure under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement regarding existing shortcomings of registries and project databases that should be improved. It can also serve voluntary market actors, in particular programmes, to improve their existing platforms and remedy some of the shortcomings identified. …