Cause and effect

Correlation or causation: Is there a link between carbon offsetting and climate ambition?

A spate of recent studies are being used to claim a causal link for companies that offset their emissions between their use of carbon credits and their rate of internal decarbonisation. However, the available evidence tells a different story about whether or not companies exploit carbon markets as a licence to pollute.

Carbon Market Watch submission on UNFCCC Recognition and Accountability Framework

While Carbon Market Watch welcomes the introduction of UNFCCC guidelines for the net-zero pledges of businesses and other non-state major emitters, these guidelines must be designed to lead to actual accountability of these actors. Clear and ambitious criteria must be set for these net-zero pledges. Moreover, the guidelines cannot leave any room for offsetting as …

Carbon Market Watch welcomes EU ban on “carbon neutrality” greenwashing

Companies selling in the European Union will no longer be able to claim that their products are carbon or climate neutral, the EU has provisionally agreed. This victory against greenwashing corresponds to longstanding demands from climate campaigners to eliminate the use of offsets and send a signal to the voluntary carbon market.