Taking aim at the economic and climate crises – but do member states’ recovery plans really hit the target?

Italy, Spain, Hungary, and Romania’s National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) may well be off-target (and Poland hasn’t published one yet). By not covering in sufficient detail all aspects of the green transition in their plans, these member states could be missing out on the chance to use EU recovery funds to tackle the economic …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – September 2020

Europe’s renewed climate commitment under scrutiny Dear friends, The European Commission has proposed to strengthen Europe’s 2030 climate target to at least 55%. While a very positive development, the new target nevertheless falls short of what science says is needed for the EU to do its share to keep global warming at safe levels. Critically, …

What role for national energy and climate plans in the COVID-19 recovery?

The national energy and climate plans can help chart Europe’s way out of the COVID-19 pandemic and into carbon-free societies. This is not the time to weaken them but to make them stronger, while better involving all relevant stakeholders in their development and implementation.  The national energy and climate plans (NECPs) are a key pillar …

More climate action through better planning

This article is a summary of an interview published on the European Commission website 15 June 2020 Stopping the climate crisis will require us to substantially cut carbon emissions across all sectors of the economy, as well as to rapidly transition to a zero-carbon energy mix. To this end, European Union member states need to …

Annual Report 2019

Foreword 2019 was an exciting and full year for Carbon Market Watch (CMW). On the wings of the global youth movement asking for better climate protection, the issue of climate change gained prominence it had never achieved before. It was finally brought to the attention of policymakers in a manner that will hopefully be sustained …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – April 2020

Blank cheque bailouts to polluters are not the way out of the pandemic Dear friends, This week we heard encouraging messages from the Petersberg Climate Dialogue, an annual global meeting of environment and climate ministers. In their video statements (how else?), leaders from across the world vowed to deliver a green recovery. Their message was …

Climate Law improves oversight over EU Member States’ climate policy planning

BRUSSELS 4 March 2020. The EU national energy and climate plans (NECPs) will become a key tool to monitor countries’ progress towards climate neutrality by 2050. PlanUp urges the Commission to strengthen the process and ensure effective coordination with the Member States to exploit the full potential of the NECPs.  Today, the European Commission unveiled …

EU Green Deal and NECPs: Is Europe on the right pathway to becoming the first climate-neutral continent?

Register here. DAY 1 Date and time: Tuesday 21st January 2019 9:30-16:00 Location: Scotland House Rond-point Robert Schuman 6, 1040 Bruxelles Background: As part of the European Union’s 2030 climate and energy package, EU member states are required to develop energy and climate strategies to plan and to report on their 2030 climate and energy objectives …

Webinar: EU budget and NECPs – using Cohesion Policy to finance the clean transition

Date and time: Thursday, 5th December 2019 14:00-15:00 This webinar will identify concrete instruments under the EU’s Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) to help Poland, Hungary and Romania to finance the investments needed for a clean transition. It will give suggestions to national partners on how to align (or not) the EU Cohesion Fund spending plans and the …

Climate strikes: people do not want to be left behind, and governments should listen to them

People from all walks of life took to the streets on Friday 20 September demanding urgent climate action from their governments. But so far our leaders are not only failing to deliver the kind of emission cuts needed to stop the climate crisis but also to involve citizens in their climate decision-making.  More and more …