European People’s Party fails people and climate in its proposals for the Industrial Emissions Directive

Environmental and climate NGOs are expressing concern and frustration today in reaction to a report on the revision of EU industrial pollution laws. Instead of demonstrating that the times of ‘polluting as usual’ are over, the proposals submitted by Radan Kanev of the European People’s Party (EPP) completely ignore the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)’s aim …

CMW’s feedback to the European Commission’s consultation on “Industrial Emissions – EU rules updated”

Carbon Market Watch welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the European Commission’s proposal for the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive. The revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) represents a huge opportunity to strengthen the directive to ensure it fulfils the objectives of the European Green Deal and effectively addresses the negative impact …

Carbon Market Watch’s response to the public consultation on the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive

Carbon Market Watch fully supports the comprehensive feedback provided by the European Environmental Bureau to the revision and welcomes the opportunity to give specific views on how the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) should be revised to support industrial decarbonisation in a complementary manner to the EU Emission Trading System.   While we support the general direction …

Making the industrial pollution law fit for the EU Green Deal

A recent Carbon Market Watch webinar discussed the upcoming revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive in the framework of the European Green Deal. Achieving the goals of the European Green Deal (EGD) will entail driving down greenhouse gas emissions as well as achieving zero pollution and a non-toxic environment by 2050. The upcoming revisions of …

A New Industry Framework For Achieving the EU Green Deal ‘Zero Pollution’ Goal

Industrial Emissions Directive and climate action: key elements for a review Executive summary Under the EU Green Deal, the European Union is committed to reaching climate neutrality by 2050. A clean industrial transformation is urgently needed to achieve this goal. This paper proposes changes to the current industrial policy framework to ensure that the existing …

“Conservative” EU carbon market alone will not drive the clean industrial revolution

Carbon Market Watch webinar discussed opportunities and barriers to the decarbonisation of cement and steel sectors Europe will not become climate neutral without decarbonising its heavy industry. Technical solutions to achieve deep emission cuts in sectors such as steel and cement exist, but strengthening the EU carbon market and implementing a smart mix of policy …

How the EU carbon market’s lesser-known cousin could help drive industrial transformation

As the EU carbon market is failing to drive down industrial carbon pollution, other rules are needed to provide an extra push. The upcoming revision of the industrial emissions directive should include greenhouse gases within the law’s scope. This way, limits on carbon emissions would be included within the criteria that an industrial plant must …