Watch This! – Civil Society Newsletter – Q2

Scroll down for French and Spanish COVID recovery needs environmental strings attached Dear members, colleagues and friends, Recent months have been testing times for so many, as the global pandemic continues to pull on the very fabric of our societies.  While many countries around the world continue to battle the health crisis, others are already looking at how their economies can start to recover from the …

Member’s insight: A case of Coal Phase-In for India

Scroll down for French and Spanish This is a guest contribution by Chandrachur Ghosh, an expert on the coal sector. Under the Paris Agreement coal phase out commitments are a necessity if we are to meet the goal of staying below 1.5C warming. In recent years the world has witnessed increased divestment from coal and …

Sham consultations, ruthless exploitation: CDM project experience in India

Guest article by Soumya Dutta, Beyond Copenhagen collective, India India hosts a big share of climate mitigation projects under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Many of these projects have blatantly violated the rights of affected communities and stakeholder consultations are carried out rarely if ever, writes Soumya Dutta. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was …

The Sasan coal power CDM project – lessons learnt for climate finance

With a number of Clean Development Projects (CDM) in the forefront of climate discussions for failing to deliver clean and sustainable development to poor countries, representatives of civil society gathered to discuss the many implications of coal power projects. The event named ‘The Sasan Coal Power CDM Project Lessons Learnt for Climate Finance’ was held in the People’s summit in Peru to illustrate the repercussions of dirty energy and what happens in the absence of social safeguard systems and disregard for sustainable development benefits within the CDM projects.

Civil society workshop on sustainable development and future climate politics

From 7-9 October 2014, Carbon Market Watch together with civil society organizations in India organized a workshop on sustainable development and future climate politics. Co-organizers included: Bank Information Centre, Beyond Copenhagen Collective, Christian Aid, Centre for Education and Documentation (CED), Centre for Environment, Social and Policy Research (CESPR), Center for Research and Advocacy – Manipur, …

Short analysis of how political parties deal with environmental issues in India (WT)

With the results now revealed on who is India’s new Prime Minister, every one focuses their attention on the economic development Narendra Modi promises. But how about his environmental manifesto? All the parties, BJP included, preached a ‘sustainable development’ that would make environmental protection coexists with industrial and economic development but it does not mean that their propositions will actually be efficient? Moreover, most parties pledged a sustainable environment for every Indian citizens and future generations but in practice nothing is done to make sure laws are properly implemented.

Letter to Dr. A. Duraisamy, Director & Member Secretary National CDM Authority, India demanding to withdraw the approval letter for Adani Power’s registered CDM project

The undersigned organizations would like to bring your attention to the fact that Adani Power’s project “Grid connected energy efficient power generation”, which is registered under the United Nations’ Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), is in violation with various national regulations, as highlighted in the inspection committee report of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) released in April 2013.