Open letter to EU Officials on Human Rights

We are writing on behalf of the undersigned organisations and members of the Human Rights and Climate Change Working Group[1], in advance of the UNFCCC Conference of the State Parties in Paris from November 30-December 11, 2015.

Paris outcomes: Carbon Market Watch Analysis of COP 21

From 30 November to 12 December 2015, Parties to the UNFCCC met in Paris to negotiate a new global climate treaty.

The Paris Agreement was a remarkable outcome, especially after the failures of Copenhagen. Almost all involved, including Carbon Market Watch, seemed surprised at how positive the outcome was. However, expectations had been carefully managed in the preceding years, so that aspirations of environmentalists to have a treaty that reflected the scientific reality by dividing up the remaining global carbon budget, had been downplayed into unreality.

Paris builds recognition for Human Rights obligations in climate action

HR -Protect Human Rights in all climate actionsIn Paris, governments recognized the interconnectivity of climate change and human rights. With a detailed preambular language that specifies that Parties, when taking action to address climate change, have to respect, promote and consider respective human rights obligations, the Paris agreement sets the foundation to make the new sustainable development mechanism accountable to human rights obligations.

Paris forges momentum towards enduring climate action

Paris, 12 December 2015 – Today, at the UN climate talks in Paris a global deal where all countries have agreed to take action on climate change was adopted. Carbon Market Watch comments on the long-term goal, the ambition ratcheting mechanism, provisions for the use of markets, the establishment of a new mechanism, human rights provisions, bunker emissions, pre-2020 action and the impact of the Paris treaty on EU’s climate policies.

Report: Human Rights implications of climate change mitigation actions

Executive Summary This is a crucial moment in Paris. As global negotiations on a climate change agreement shape the future of our planet, Parties can decide on an approach that will protect people and the planet in the near and long term. Countries’ obligations under international human rights law are well established. These include the …

Human rights accountability of climate action

Not only man-made climate change, but also certain actions to address climate change can directly result in adverse impacts on human rights. While well intentioned, certain climate mitigation actions implemented under the UNFCCC have caused harm to the environment and people—even infringing on rights to life, health, food, water and sanitation, housing, and culture, among others.

COP21 SIDE EVENT: A reality check: climate change and impacts on the ground – 12/6

Day: Sunday, 6 December Venue: People’s Summit – Climate Forum The impact of climate change on human rights is a two-fold problem. For one, man-made climate change has significant effects on several human rights, such as the right to life, health, food water and housing, among others. On the other hand, also certain actions to address …

WATCH THIS! NGO Newsletter #13: Member Spotlight – Paryavaran Mitra: Friends of Environment

Scroll down for French and Spanish This section aims at putting a network member under our newsletter spotlight! In this edition, Mahesh Pandya introduces Paryavaran Mitra, an Indian voluntary organization working in the field of environment and pollution issues using environmental laws as an advocacy tool. You would like to be in the next Member …