COP22 Side Event: Human rights and climate change: what’s next after Paris?

Venue & Time: Tuesday 15 November 2016, Green Zone Room 2, Time: 15:00-16:30 In a historic step, the Paris agreement recognized the interconnectivity of climate change and human rights, specifying in its preamble that “Parties should, when taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on human rights.” The priority …

Barro Blanco: flooding suspended, international lenders pressured to act

Faced with intense national and international pressure, Panamanian authorities suspended the flooding of the Barro Blanco reservoir two weeks after it began. International lenders are being pressured by international NGOs as they have a key role in settling the situation. On May 22nd, Panama’s National Authority for Public Services (ASEP) announced a “test flooding” of …

Carbon markets in the Paris Agreement: what’s next on the negotiation agenda?

The Paris Climate Conference agreed on strong provisions for markets, alongside provisions for non-market approaches. Next on the agenda is figuring out how these pieces work and fit together, how to improve and transition from the Kyoto Protocol’s measures -the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI), and how to integrate robust safeguards to …

Submission to annotated agenda for the 90th CDM Executive Board meeting: 18-22 July 2016, Germany

Carbon Market Watch welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the CDM Executive Board on issues included in the annotated agenda of the 90th meeting, particularly on the following agenda items: Agenda item 2.3. Performance management Action 11: key messages for the annual report Action 15: guidance to improving the user-friendliness of the sustainable development …

Report: Human Rights implications of climate change mitigation actions, second edition

Executive Summary Countries’ obligations under international human rights law are well established. These include the obligations to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights, which are applicable in the context of climate change. Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recognize that they must respect human rights—including procedural rights—in all climate-related actions. …

Stakeholder comments regarding ongoing human rights concerns associated with the Barro Blanco Hydroelectric Power Plant Project (CDM Project #3237)

24 April 2016 Dear Mr Buendia, Dear Mr Wolke, We, the April 10 Movement for the Defense of the Tabasará River (M-10), Alianza para la Conservación y el Desarrollo (ACD) and Asociación Ambientalista de Chiriqui (ASAMCHI), are writing to provide stakeholder comments regarding the ongoing human rights concerns associated with the Barro Blanco Hydroelectric Power Plant …

Barro Blanco hydro dam: time is running out for affected communities

In February 2015, the Panamanian government suspended construction of the Barro Blanco hydro dam after recognising shortcomings in the agreement with affected stakeholders. One year later, and with the suspension now lifted, construction of the dam nears completion with some local communities fearing forced eviction from their homes. Supporters are calling on the Panamanian President to ensure that the affected communities are free from repression.

Watch This! NGO Newsletter #14: Carbon Market Watch’s priorities for 2016

Scroll down for French and Spanish Following the adoption of the landmark Paris agreement, our plate will be full with important campaigns in 2016. Our objective? Ensure that policies are accountable and ambitious enough to achieve countries commitment to limit global warming to 1,5C. Here is a short overview of our priorities at the international level. …

Watch This! NGO Newsletter #14: Barro Blanco – construction nears completion without agreement with affected stakeholders

In February, 2015, the Panamanian government suspended construction of the Barro Blanco hydro dam after recognising the absence of agreement with affected stakeholders. One year later, the suspension has been lifted and the construction is close to completion. However, no dialogue or agreement with the affected local communities is within sight. One year ago, in …

Watch This! NGO Newsletter #14 Member Spotlight – Tezulutlan Peoples’ Council

Scroll down for French and Spanish In this edition Maximo Ba Tiul, the head of international relations, presents the Tezulutlan Peoples’ Council, a member organisation of the Network that represents indigenous communities in Guatemala.  Could you introduce your organisation? The Tezulutlan People’s Council (Consejo de Pueblos de Tezulutlan, CPT) is a network of Q’echi, Poqomchi’, …