Article 6 is a key priority of Azerbaijan’s COP29 presidency, putting high pressure on countries to come to an agreement at the upcoming climate summit. At the same time, the role that Article 6 carbon markets play in the wider context of achieving our Paris Agreement goals hinges on the quality of the agreement. This …
Read more “Article 6 carbon markets at COP29: Carbon Market Watch’s recommendations”
Article 6 of the Paris Agreement sets out the principles for carbon markets. At COP29, governments must fix all the outstanding issues so as to ensure that Article 6 advances, rather than sets back, the climate agenda. This detailed guide explains what is at stake.
‘Questioning the integrity of the voluntary carbon market’ is a new series of Carbon Market Watch video explainers that answers your question on this neglected topic.
Article 6 of the Paris Agreement sets out the principles for carbon markets. At COP28, governments will further develop the rules governing these markets.
Our latest FAQ has the answers to everything you always wanted to know about global carbon markets
Esta guía ofrece una introducción al estado actual de los mercados internacionales de créditos de carbono. Describe los elementos principales de los nuevos mercados establecidos en virtud del Acuerdo de París, así como el funcionamiento del mercado voluntario de carbono, que opera al margen del sistema de la ONU. Concluye con un debate sobre el papel que juegan estos mecanismos en la acción climática y sobre cómo deben y no deben utilizarse.
Este guia é uma introdução ao estado atual dos mercados internacionais de créditos de carbono. Apresenta os principais elementos dos mercados recentemente criados no âmbito do Acordo de Paris e o funcionamento do mercado voluntário de carbono, que opera fora do sistema das Nações Unidas. Conclui com um debate sobre o papel destes mecanismos na ação climática e sobre a forma como devem e não devem ser utilizados.
Ce guide présente l’état actuel des marchés internationaux de crédits carbone. Il présente les éléments clés des marchés nouvellement établis dans le cadre de l’Accord de Paris, ainsi que le fonctionnement du marché volontaire du carbone, qui opère en dehors du système des Nations unies. Il se termine par une discussion sur le rôle de ces mécanismes dans l’action climatique et sur la manière dont ils devraient ou ne devraient pas être utilisés.
This guide gives an introduction to the current state of international carbon credit markets. It lays out key elements of the newly established markets under the Paris Agreement, and the functioning of the voluntary carbon market, which operates outside of the UN system. It concludes with a discussion of the role of these mechanisms in climate action, and how they should and should not be used.
For the Article 6.4 grievance process, where it is of utmost importance that it is designed by and with those who will be engaging with it, more input is essential to ensure it works for rather than against its users. Carbon Market Watch urges the Supervisory Body to reopen its Call for Input, as well as to actively seek input from IPLCs and other rightsholders as part of a structured consultation.