Analysis and suggested amendments to the European Commission’s revised proposal for the EU ETS for aviation

The European Commission’s proposed revision of the EU’s Emissions Trading System for aviation and implementation of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) lays out the groundwork for the welcome phasing out of free allocation. However, it fails to uphold, let alone strengthen, carbon pricing for the aviation sector by prioritising the risky and ineffective implementation of CORSIA over a full-scope inclusion of flights under the EU ETS.

A carbon market for buildings must be constructed on solid foundations

The EU must fix its current Emissions Trading System (ETS) before it embarks on the second phase focusing on buildings, writes Elisa Martellucci. This eventual ETS2 must be built, with close stakeholder involvement, on fair and equitable foundations. Anna is a young trainee at the European Commission. She arrived in Brussels and looked for an …

Carbon Market Watch’s response to the public consultation on the European Commission’s proposal for the revision of the EU Emissions Trading System

The revision of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) represents a huge opportunity to strengthen the Directive to ensure it is in line with the 1.5˚C target under the Paris Agreement. However, the European Commission’s proposal includes two major shortcomings that should be reconsidered. Firstly, the EU-wide 55% emission reduction target proposed is inadequate to …

How to get ‘Fit for 55’ in shape for the climate emergency

Some EU governments believe the ‘Fit for 55’ package is too ambitious but, in reality, it is not ambitious enough. More action is needed today because tomorrow will be too late to avoid catastrophic global warming, write Agnese Ruggiero and Andrew Marshall. This week, European environment ministers met in Luxembourg to discuss the draft ‘Fit …

Harnessing people power to reduce emissions

A new project led by Carbon Market Watch seeks to empower European civil society to shape the EU’s Emissions Trading System and carbon pricing policies. Carbon Market Watch launched Emissions Trading eXtra (ETX) earlier this month. This new project aims to enhance European climate governance and optimise the functioning of the EU’s carbon market, the …

Europe’s new climate pledge: more than a glossy magazine cover?

Scroll down for French and Spanish Interview with Agnese Ruggiero In a ‘normal’ year last month’s big climate announcements by Europe and China would have been a major international talking point, sadly this year is nothing but normal!  First, the EU Commission during the State of the Union speech set out a plan to raise …

A Clean Fit: The role of the EU ETS in the energy policy landscape

Executive Summary Around the world, governments are establishing carbon pricing systems to put a price-tag on greenhouse gas emissions and incentivize more climate friendly practices. The EU launched its own Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) in 2005. While the ETS is a necessary instrument to decarbonise the power and industry sectors in Europe, experience shows …

EU climate package to end access to international offsets

Carbon Market Watch welcomes the European Commission’s proposal to end the EU’s dependency on international offsets in its 2030 climate package but says the failure to address the current oversupply of 2 billion emission permits in the European emissions trading scheme will weaken the real-world impact of the new targets.    Eva Filzmoser, Director of Carbon …