Model answers: Studies reveal EU must revamp Emissions Trading System to live within its carbon budget

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) latest report underscores the urgency of the climate crisis: the effects of the climate breakdown are already being felt around the world, and will only become more destructive in the coming decades. Humanity is rapidly running out of time to keep planetary heating limited to the Paris Agreement’s …

Why the EU must strengthen its climate target, including in the Emissions Trading System

Why the EU must strengthen its climate target, including in the Emissions Trading System

There are multiple arguments for why the EU’S 2030 climate target aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% is not compatible with the 1.5°C temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. The EU thus will need to look at how it can do more. Substantial additional action in all economic sectors and in …

The Revision of the European Union Emissions Trading System Directive: Assessing Cap and Market Stability Reserve Reform Options

The Revision of the European Union Emissions Trading System Directive: Assessing Cap and Market Stability Reserve Reform Options

    The European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is a central element of EU climate policy. The successful reform of the EU ETS is thus crucial for the implementation of the objectives of the European Green Deal. Reforms are required in the following four aspects of the EU ETS. The first aspect is …

Open Letter: Time to vote for an EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) that works for climate and industrial transformation

In this joint letter, Carbon Market Watch, WWF, CAN Europe, the EEB and other environmental organisations call on the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) to vote for ambitious reforms to the European Union’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) that will ensure that the EU’s carbon market will benefit the climate and lead to sustainable industrial decarbonisation in Europe.

Carbon Dioxide Removal in the EU: pitfalls and opportunities

Date: 27 April 2022 Time: 15:00-16:20 CET Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) refers to activities that take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, and store it permanently. Most IPCC AR6 decarbonisation pathways require some amount of carbon removals to keep warming to 1.5 degrees. However, risk-averse climate strategies aim to minimise the reliance on CDR as they can …

Designing a sound EU carbon market for buildings and transport

We can draw vital lessons from the functioning of the EU’s current Emissions Trading System to expand it to the building and transport sectors in a way that serves the climate and advances social justice. In its current shape, the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is far from perfect. It falls short on overall …

Milking the EU’s carbon market cash cow for industry

Rather than propose amendments to the EU’s Emissions Trading System that would take the heat off the climate and serve society, European parliamentarians are squabbling over the quantity of freebies to offer polluting industries. The process of revamping the EU’s Emissions Trading System is in full swing.  Members of the European Parliament’s Environment Committee have …