Summer hot ticket: Why flying has twice the climate impact you’d expect

CO2 and non-CO2 emissions caused by flying aren’t simply lost in the clouds. There are actions policymakers and airlines can take today to alleviate aviation’s climate impact, explains CMW’s Bastien Bonnet-Cantalloube  Summer has arrived, and it is time for that well earned  holiday.  However, when fretting over the last-minute stuffing of the suitcase or the …


Delegated Act on permanent emission storage through carbon capture and usage (CCU)

Carbon Market Watch supports a scientifically sound and environmentally integer use of permanent CCU in industry and under the EU ETS Directive to incentivise its deployment and obtain additional emissions reductions. To achieve this goal, it is essential to design incentives correctly and avoid incentivising carbon lock-in (or even increased use of fossil fuels).

Modelling 2030: how the reformed EU ETS affects your member state

The revision of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) in 2023 expanded the scope and reformed other aspects of the ETS to align with the EU’s climate goal of 55% net emissions reductions by 2030. As a result, many changes were made to the system including the creation of an emissions trading system to …

ETXraordinary effort to improve EU carbon pricing

The LIFE ETX project, an EU-wide NGO campaign to make the bloc’s Emissions Trading System work better for people and planet, is winding up its activities. Noemí Rodrigo Sabio reflects on the project’s history and achievements. After three active and action-filled years striving to raise awareness of and improve the EU ETS, the CMW-led Emissions …