The cost of climate inaction in the agricultural sector

This week key policymakers of the European Parliament discuss the EU’s largest climate instrument. Ahead of the debate, five organizations expose how a loophole in the law could significantly increase the costs of post-2030 climate efforts by delaying the required emission reductions in the agriculture sector. The Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) covers around 60% of …

Effort sharing on the agenda

The EU Member States and the European Parliament have begun to work on a major piece of EU climate legislation that covers 60% of the bloc’s greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon Market Watch has analysed the Commission’s proposal and suggests ways to improve it.

The 2030 Effort Sharing Regulation

In summer 2016, the European Commission presented a legislative proposal for the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) for the 2021-2030 period. The ESR sets national emission reduction targets for the EU Member States for the transport, buildings, agriculture and waste sectors.

Letter to Commissioner Canete: EU LULUCF proposal has repercussions beyond the EU

Dear Commissioner Arias Cañete, We understand that the European Commission is currently working on a proposal on land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF). The decision the EU takes has repercussions beyond the EU. Since the Paris Agreement commits all its signatories to balancing anthropogenic emissions and removals, countries around the world will need …

Webinar Report: How can the Effort Sharing Decision be made fit for purpose?

28th June 2016 ESD Introduction: Cristina, from Transport & Environment, gave a general introduction on the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD), and explained why it is important that NGOs in Member States get involved in making this policy – which covers almost 60% of the EU emissions from transport, building’s, agriculture, and waste. All of these sectors …

EU’s largest climate tool must be strengthened to deliver on Paris Agreement

Joint statement from Carbon Market Watch and Transport & Environment (T&E) on publication of EU climate policy designed to reduce emissions across sectors agriculture/transport/building/waste EC proposal includes potential loopholes – endangers real-world delivery of EU 2030 climate target Brussels 20 July 2016. Today, the European Commission proposed national greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for EU …

Letter to President Juncker on LULUCF and Starting Point in the non-ETS sectors

Dear President Juncker, This week you and your colleagues will make a final decision on a flagship climate instrument that tackles emissions from transport, building, agriculture and waste. Covering 60 per cent of the EU’s emissions, getting this instrument right is crucial to keep temperature rises well below 2 °C, and striving for 1.5°C. This is the first …

UK referendum must not derail EU climate policy

Joint statement by Transport & Environment, Carbon Market Watch, Fern, WWF European Policy Office, and the European Environmental Bureau Brussels-based green NGOs [1] have urged the European Commission to push on with its 2030 climate legislation – despite the uncertainty in the wake of the UK referendum result. The proposal for Europe’s largest climate instrument, …

Letter to EU policy makers on: The Effort Sharing Decision after 2020

We are very pleased to share with you a new policy briefing by Carbon Market Watch and WWF, with the endorsement of Transport & Environment, that shows how the EU’s largest climate instrument can be made fit for purpose and deliver on the international climate commitments.