Lead EU lawmaker’s strong call for climate action

4 key takeaways from MEP Guteland’s draft EU Climate Law report The lawmaker in charge of the EU Climate Law at the European Parliament proposes that the EU adopts a 65% emission target for 2030 and carbon budgets in line with the latest scientific data. She also calls on all EU governments to endorse the …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – March 2020

Europe’s recovery plans will fall flat unless they drive a green transition Dear friends, Up until only a few weeks ago, the climate emergency topped Europe’s political agenda. The European Commission published its much-awaited EU Climate Law, proposing to make Europe’s climate-neutrality target legally binding. Another key initiative was the launch of the new industrial …

EU industry strategy fails Green Deal test

BRUSSELS 10 March 2020. The European Commission’s new industrial strategy provides a strong narrative on the need to decarbonise Europe’s industrial sector but fails to put forward concrete measures to drive the transformation and address barriers on the road to climate neutrality. Carbon Market Watch calls for a swift adoption of industrial climate policies including …

What does the EU Climate Law have to do with cement?

Committing to climate neutrality in the long term sends an important signal, but getting there needs short-term climate action and will not happen without cleaning up Europe’s heavy industry.  The European Green Deal was unveiled by the European Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen in December 2019. It is the new Commission’s master plan …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – January 2020

The year of climate ambition  Dear friends, One year from now, the landmark Paris Agreement will have entered into force and before that, governments should have announced higher climate pledges to put the world on track to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees. 2020 has already been dubbed as the year of climate ambition …