The EU City Calculator: a new tool guides European cities by simulating climate transition paths   

BRUSSELS, 23 January 2024 – EUCityCalc has officially launched its free, open source online platform that allows local councils and other stakeholders to visualise and simulate low-carbon scenarios for their towns and cities, as well as to assess the trade-offs related to available choices. Although the European Green Deal and the European Union’s other climate …

12 Days of ETSMas

Merry ETSmas!

The EU through its Emissions Trading System giftwraps free pollution permits to 30 grossly wealthy energy  production and heavy industry companies causing 25% of the bloc’s emissions.

Over the 12 days of ETSMas we counted down the EU’s luckiest polluters.

Open safety deposit boxes

Plundering the EU’s carbon market to fight the energy crunch is self-defeating

Raiding the reserve that underpins the EU’s Emissions Trading System to reduce the European Union’s dependence on Russian gas is short-sighted and destructive, especially as far better solutions exist. The Market Stability Reserve (MSR) is an important element of the EU Emissions Trading System. It has proven effective in supporting the carbon price, and helped …

Milking the EU’s carbon market cash cow for industry

Rather than propose amendments to the EU’s Emissions Trading System that would take the heat off the climate and serve society, European parliamentarians are squabbling over the quantity of freebies to offer polluting industries. The process of revamping the EU’s Emissions Trading System is in full swing.  Members of the European Parliament’s Environment Committee have …

EU Climate Leader Board – Where countries stand on the Effort Sharing Regulation

EU Member States are currently negotiating Europe’s key legislation for climate action, known as the Effort Sharing Regulation. Covering 60% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions, the law will set binding national emission reduction targets for the 2021-2030 period for sectors such
as transport, buildings, agriculture and waste. In July 2016, the European Commission published the proposal for an Effort Sharing Regulation setting the basis for negotiations between EU ministers and Members of the European Parliament.

Media advisory: Loopholes in key climate law put EU’s emissions reduction target at risk

BRUSSELS 24 January 2017. Rather than reducing emissions by 30% from transport, agriculture, buildings and waste sectors, the EU could be heading towards only 23% cut by 2030. Carbon Market Watch and Transport & Environment launch an online tool to help calculate the impact on climate goals of ‘flexibilities’ in one of the bloc’s key …

Policy Event: Effort Sharing Regulation in numbers – low-carbon opportunities in non-ETS sectors

January 25th, 2017, 12:30 – 14:30 European Parliament, Brussels, Room A5E1 The event was kindly co-hosted by Members of the European Parliament Dr. Miriam Dalli (S&D), Mr. Benedek Jávor (Greens) and Ms. Merja Kyllönen (GUE). Programme and Presentations: 12:30-14:30 Dr. Miriam Dalli, Member of the European Parliament – Opening remarks Ms. Verena Graichen, Oeko-institut – Effort Sharing …

New report underlines the risks for Europe’s bloated carbon market

According to a European Environment’s Agency (EEA) report published this week the oversupply of carbon permits in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) remains ‘substantial’. At a time when lawmakers are discussing how to get Europe’s flagship climate policy back on track, this report comes as an urgent warning to those trying to save the EU’s failing carbon market.

NGOs tell environment ministers to beef up effort sharing ambition

On Monday 17 October, the EU environment ministers’ will discuss for the first time the national 2030 climate targets for the transport, agriculture, waste and buildings sectors. Ahead of the meeting, a group of 29 organisations urges ministers to close loopholes in the climate law that will determine how the Paris Agreement is put into action in Europe.