Rocking the boat on shipping emissions

This week’s talks at the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) must chart a speedy and ambitious course towards zero-emissions shipping.  Today (22 November), the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) hit the waves again – but, this time, with potential rays of hope on the horizon. Momentum is …

Principles for market-based measures to decarbonise international shipping

Submitted by the Clean Shipping Coalition (of which Carbon Market Watch is a member), this document summarises the key principles that any market-based measure (MBM) agreed at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) level needs to follow in order for it to be a fair and effective tool for contributing to the decarbonisation of international shipping.

Shipping industry U-turn on carbon pricing long overdue

27 April 2021 – The shipping industry’s leading global lobby group the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) last week ended its years-long opposition to carbon pricing.  It is imperative now that ICS and other sponsors should withdraw their IMRB proposal to allow time for discussion on carbon pricing, and support the far more serious and …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – March 2021

A global shipping pollution price on the horizon As other industries have started paying for their pollution, the maritime sector has been let off the hook. Without urgent action, its emissions are set to rise well into the next decade. This trend goes against the Paris Agreement climate targets and the UN shipping agency’s IMO’s …

Sailing towards a global carbon price in the maritime industry?

Introduction Discussions and negotiations on carbon pricing for the international maritime sector are starting to pick up steam again at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). This is an opportunity to finally get urgently needed, meaningful global climate regulation for this international sector. The maritime sector is the last emitting sector globally not to be covered …

A global pollution price for ships is back on the agenda – here’s how to get it right

A worldwide shipping carbon pricing scheme must reduce pollution fast, finance technologies that reduce more emissions, and support countries most impacted by climate change. It must not include offsetting nor be allowed to weaken national or regional measures. The global shipping sector is still not paying for the climate damage it is causing. While carbon …

UN shipping body torpedoes its own climate strategy

As the global efforts to cut CO2 pollution from ships hit the wall, regions and countries must step up. In Europe, work to bring the sector under the bloc’s carbon market is ongoing, but slowing down.  Earlier this month, the UN shipping agency International Maritime Organisation (IMO) approved a draft plan to cut CO2 pollution …

NGO letter ahead of ISWG-GHG

The IMO Initial Strategy, the historic 2018 climate deal agreed to by over 100 countries, risks being undermined at negotiations next week – the Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships. The three most important principles of the IMO Initial Strategy are: The agreement that the Paris Agreement applies to shipping. Specifically, …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – September 2020

Europe’s renewed climate commitment under scrutiny Dear friends, The European Commission has proposed to strengthen Europe’s 2030 climate target to at least 55%. While a very positive development, the new target nevertheless falls short of what science says is needed for the EU to do its share to keep global warming at safe levels. Critically, …