Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – February 2020

International transport can no longer dodge climate responsibility  Dear friends, Two important climate meetings – on international aviation and shipping – will take place in March. International transport is not included in countries’ national climate pledges under the Paris Agreement. The task to address the massive climate impact of these sectors lies with the responsible UN …

ICSA letter to the ICAO Council on CORSIA offset programme eligibility

Dear Council Members, The decisions you make next month on emissions unit and emissions unit program eligibility for ICAO’S Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) – and the transparency with which you make these – put the credibility of aviation’s climate efforts in the global spotlight. Aviation is facing unprecedented challenges, with …

What does flight shame have to do with global carbon markets?

In two parallel global climate processes governments need to finalise details for both international carbon markets under the Paris Agreement and the future aviation offsetting scheme CORSIA. Meanwhile, citizens are losing patience with their leaders that move too slowly in the face of a climate breakdown. Strong action is therefore expected from decision-makers if they …

Recommendations for CORSIA

Prepared for the Bonn Climate Change Conference 30 April – 10 May 2018 Carbon Market Watch welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the APA discussions as they relate to the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)  agreed in October 2016 at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 39th Assembly, and corresponding …

Ticket tax: Both minimally effective AND incredibly impactful?

The Swedish government is tackling the soaring emissions from aviation through an extra fee on airline tickets. There has been significant industry pushback about the extra costs, stating concerns both about economic impacts and low environmental benefits. We agree that in order to drive real transformation of the most polluting of all transport modes, overall …

Climate Action Network and International Coalition for Sustainable Aviation joint input to the Talanoa Dialogue

CONTRIBUTION OF THE GLOBAL AVIATION SECTOR TO ACHIEVING PARIS AGREEMENT CLIMATE OBJECTIVES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The aviation sector is a top-ten global emitter whose emissions are expected to rise dramatically by mid-century. Under current scenarios, the aviation sector could emit 56 GtCO2 over the period 2016-2050, or one-quarter of the remaining carbon budget. It is critical …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – March 2018

Editorial Earlier this month, six EU countries discussed the possibility of introducing a minimum price on pollution. A carbon floor price in Northern and Western Europe could accelerate the shift away from coal and create a tipping point for the phase-out of fossil fuels in other sectors and jurisdictions. An initiative by the Dutch environmental organisation WISE aims to …

Offset restrictions needed to avoid crash landing for the aviation pollution scheme

The future aviation offsetting scheme will end up having little impact on the sector’s soaring emissions unless restrictions are applied on what kind of offset credits airlines can purchase, a new study has found. The study, commissioned by the German government, looked at the scenario where all offset credits from the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism …

Obscure aviation climate deal could undermine the Paris Agreement

BONN 14 November 2017. A new Columbia Law School report reveals major shortcomings in how the UN aviation body (ICAO) interprets transparency and public participation requirements. The report’s findings come amidst a closed meeting in Montreal that kick-starts the approval of rules for ICAO’s new carbon offsetting scheme. A separate Carbon Market Watch analysis on …