Taking aim at the economic and climate crises – but do member states’ recovery plans really hit the target?

Italy, Spain, Hungary, and Romania’s National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) may well be off-target (and Poland hasn’t published one yet). By not covering in sufficient detail all aspects of the green transition in their plans, these member states could be missing out on the chance to use EU recovery funds to tackle the economic …

What role for national energy and climate plans in the COVID-19 recovery?

The national energy and climate plans can help chart Europe’s way out of the COVID-19 pandemic and into carbon-free societies. This is not the time to weaken them but to make them stronger, while better involving all relevant stakeholders in their development and implementation.  The national energy and climate plans (NECPs) are a key pillar …

Watch This! – Civil Society Newsletter – Q2

Scroll down for French and Spanish COVID recovery needs environmental strings attached Dear members, colleagues and friends, Recent months have been testing times for so many, as the global pandemic continues to pull on the very fabric of our societies.  While many countries around the world continue to battle the health crisis, others are already looking at how their economies can start to recover from the …

Dirty Cruise: Time to demand environmental action from shipping

Scroll down for French and Spanish The international shipping sector is also being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and any government response to support this industry should accelerate the pathway to climate neutrality. Shipping accounts for 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and this could grow by between 50 and 250% by 2050 if no …

What’s next for the aviation sector?

Scroll down for French and Spanish Interview with (Andrew Murphy – Manager, Aviation at NGO Transport & Environment) For decades the aviation industry has enjoyed favourable conditions to expand its operations throughout Europe with little consideration of their climate impact. At the start of 2020, few could have predicted that the sector’s carbon emissions would …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – June 2020

EU Green Deal at the heart of post-corona Europe Dear friends, Our leaders are hoping to clinch a deal in the coming weeks on the EU’s financial recovery package and the multi-annual budget. In September, we expect the European Commission to announce its proposal for an improved 2030 climate target. The science says that Europe …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – May 2020

What kind of future do we want? Dear friends, The coronavirus debate is now very much focused on how to get our economies back on track, as governments ease up on the lockdown measures of recent months. Corporate lobbyists have been very active since the beginning of the turmoil. In our latest edition of the …

Never Wasting a Crisis: Industry Climate Lobbying During the COVID-19 Pandemic Exposed

Summary: This briefing counters industry attempts to use the coronavirus pandemic as a pretext to weaken international, European and national climate and carbon pricing laws. It debunks myths and provides policy recommendations to decision-makers. The examples include large polluters pushing for delays in implementing the EU Green Deal and national climate policies and airlines aiming …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – April 2020

Blank cheque bailouts to polluters are not the way out of the pandemic Dear friends, This week we heard encouraging messages from the Petersberg Climate Dialogue, an annual global meeting of environment and climate ministers. In their video statements (how else?), leaders from across the world vowed to deliver a green recovery. Their message was …