Corporate climate lobbying in times of corona

Welcome to Carbon Countdown, a podcast by Carbon Market Watch covering all things carbon pricing, climate action and just transition Episode 2: Corporate climate lobbying in times of corona Carbon Market Watch · [Carbon Countdown] EPISODE 2: Corporate climate lobbying in the times of corona Music: Ambient Technology by Joystock – The Covid-19 debate …

CORSIA: demand, supply and scaremongering

Warnings about a shortage of credits under the future aviation carbon market are unfounded. The upcoming decision on what airlines will be able to buy must, therefore, focus on ensuring that only credits from high-quality projects are eligible. It is crunch time again for the ICAO Council, the UN aviation agency’s decision-making body comprised of …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – January 2020

The year of climate ambition  Dear friends, One year from now, the landmark Paris Agreement will have entered into force and before that, governments should have announced higher climate pledges to put the world on track to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees. 2020 has already been dubbed as the year of climate ambition …

Letter on transparency to the ICAO Council and the Technical Advisory Body

Letter from the International Coalition for Sustainable Aviation to International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Council Members and the Technical Advisory Body (TAB) regarding the transparency of the TAB’s offset programme eligibility assessment.  Dear Members of the ICAO Council, Dear Members of the Technical Advisory Body, The decision on which offset programmes should be recognised as …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – September 2019

EU carbon market unfit to handle coal phase-out Dear friends, A week of climate mobilisations is coming to its end. Ahead of the UN climate summit in New York last Monday, four million people across the globe took to the streets on Friday 20 September to demand that their governments take urgent action to solve the …

Letter to the Parties to the Aarhus Convention on public participation and access to information at the International Civil Aviation Organization

In 2016, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) adopted the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), a global scheme with the objective of achieving “carbon-neutral growth” after 2020, relying on the use of carbon offsets and sustainable aviation fuel. In this information note to the Parties of the Aarhus Convention, the International …

Letter from the International Coalition for Sustainable Aviation to the ICAO Council on the adoption of the Emissions Unit Criteria EUCs in order to address double counting and increase CORSIA’s transparency.

Dear ICAO Council Member, ICAO’S Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) is at a critical juncture. Your decisions this week could create a CORSIA with integrity, help international aviation achieve carbon-neutral growth from 2020 and help unleash a global market that drives investment in low-carbon economic development. But if you choose to …