COP28: Article 6 failure avoids a worse outcome 

Torn between countries demanding that Article 6 carbon markets be available with virtually no restrictions and countries insisting on upholding transparency, human rights, and climate ambition, negotiators at COP28 failed to break the deadlock. With all the unresolved problematic issues, the fact that they reached no deal was better than agreeing to a bad one that would torpedo the Paris Agreement.

Plenary session at 2022 Bonn Climate Conference

Devil in the details at 2023 Bonn climate conference

If the country-to-country carbon market established under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement is to have any credibility, negotiators meeting at the UN intersessional climate conference in Bonn must agree on the fine print that prevents double counting, abandons secrecy and promotes accountability.

​​Recommendations for the key topics under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement ​

Prepared for the Bonn Climate Change Conference 5-15 June 2023 Carbon Market Watch welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the discussions on matters relating to Article 6.2 (plus one in 6.4) of the Paris Agreement ahead of the UNFCCC’s 58th session of the subsidiary bodies. Sequencing and timing ● A step-wise process consisting of clearly …