How can the EU Emissions Trading System support a union-wide coal phase-out

This policy paper complements the briefing “A New Hope – recommendations for the EU Emissions Trading System review” Introduction: The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) has been hampered by a historical oversupply since its inception. Since 2019, some of the excess allowances are being absorbed by the Market Stability Reserve (MSR), and a portion …

Member’s insight: A case of Coal Phase-In for India

Scroll down for French and Spanish This is a guest contribution by Chandrachur Ghosh, an expert on the coal sector. Under the Paris Agreement coal phase out commitments are a necessity if we are to meet the goal of staying below 1.5C warming. In recent years the world has witnessed increased divestment from coal and …

Wird der deutsche CO2-Preisplan der Herausforderung des Klimawandels gerecht?

… und wie sieht die Zukunft für den EU-Kohlenstoffmarkt aus? Ein Interview mit Sabine Frank Meinen Sie, dass das Klimapaket der Bundesregierung und sein CO2-Preiselement der Aufgabe gewachsen sind, den Wandel zu Klimaneutralität im Land voranzutreiben? Es ist ein Fortschritt, die Umweltverschmutzung im Verkehrs- und Wärmesektor zu verteuern. Aber der Schritt selbst ist nicht groß …

Is the German carbon pricing plan fit for purpose?

…and what does the future look like for the EU carbon market? An interview with Sabine Frank, director of Carbon Market Watch A German version here Do you think that the German government’s climate package and its carbon pricing element are up to the task to drive a clean transition in the country? Putting a …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – September 2019

EU carbon market unfit to handle coal phase-out Dear friends, A week of climate mobilisations is coming to its end. Ahead of the UN climate summit in New York last Monday, four million people across the globe took to the streets on Friday 20 September to demand that their governments take urgent action to solve the …

Over 2 billion surplus pollution permits could flood Europe’s carbon market by 2030 – analysis

BRUSSELS 20 September 2019. The EU carbon market is currently unfit to accommodate national coal phase-outs scheduled in  Europe. EU policymakers should combine coal plant closures with the cancellation of pollution permits and strengthen the market stability reserve to absorb more surplus pollution permits off the market. Failing this, the market will be flooded with …