Watch This! – Civil Society Newsletter – Q2

Scroll down for French and Spanish COVID recovery needs environmental strings attached Dear members, colleagues and friends, Recent months have been testing times for so many, as the global pandemic continues to pull on the very fabric of our societies.  While many countries around the world continue to battle the health crisis, others are already looking at how their economies can start to recover from the …

Member’s insight: A case of Coal Phase-In for India

Scroll down for French and Spanish This is a guest contribution by Chandrachur Ghosh, an expert on the coal sector. Under the Paris Agreement coal phase out commitments are a necessity if we are to meet the goal of staying below 1.5C warming. In recent years the world has witnessed increased divestment from coal and …

COP19 blog

Today, Carbon Market Watch protested outside the venue of the International Coal Summit alongside CAN Europe and other organisations. A lot has been said about the outrageous decision to have an International Coal Summit at the same time as the COP19 climate talks here in Warsaw.