Launch of the 2023 Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor: Are major corporations keeping their climate pledges?

Date: 13 February 2023   Time: 15.00 – 16.00 CET   Companies are making bold net-zero climate pledges and carbon-neutrality claims. But are they delivering on their promises?   The rapid proliferation of these kinds of claims makes it nearly impossible for people to differentiate between corporations that are making a serious effort to reduce …

Hollow corporate promises: How to stop false climate claims

Corporations are exaggerating their climate action, according to our recent report. But what are the next steps for those companies who truly want to reduce their impact on the climate? And how can governments stop false or misleading pledges sneaking into advertising? The Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, a joint report from Carbon Market Watch and …

Top corporations use misleading climate pledges to greenwash image, new report

Major global companies are avoiding meaningful climate action and are instead using false, misleading or ambiguous green claims, a new report shows. The first Climate Corporate Responsibility Monitor assesses the pledges made by 25 of the world’s largest corporations, many of them household names, against a set of transparent quantitative and qualitative indicators. Due out …

Launch of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor: Untangling green business from greenwashing in corporate climate claims

Date: 7 February 2022 Time: 11.00 – 12.00 CET Companies around the world are increasingly alert to the climate emergency, facing calls from a growing range of stakeholders to take responsibility for the environmental impact of their activities. The rapid acceleration of corporate climate pledges means that it is more difficult than ever to distinguish …

Why Europe cannot rely on forests to meet its climate targets

EU Climate Law negotiators must keep emission reductions and forest protection as separate targets and agree to cut pollution by 65% over the next ten years.    Forests play a vital role as carbon sinks in efforts to avoid catastrophic climate change. They are essential for all life on Earth. They need protection so that they …

Lead EU lawmaker’s strong call for climate action

4 key takeaways from MEP Guteland’s draft EU Climate Law report The lawmaker in charge of the EU Climate Law at the European Parliament proposes that the EU adopts a 65% emission target for 2030 and carbon budgets in line with the latest scientific data. She also calls on all EU governments to endorse the …