Hollow corporate promises: How to stop false climate claims

Corporations are exaggerating their climate action, according to our recent report. But what are the next steps for those companies who truly want to reduce their impact on the climate? And how can governments stop false or misleading pledges sneaking into advertising? The Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, a joint report from Carbon Market Watch and …

Top corporations use misleading climate pledges to greenwash image, new report

Major global companies are avoiding meaningful climate action and are instead using false, misleading or ambiguous green claims, a new report shows. The first Climate Corporate Responsibility Monitor assesses the pledges made by 25 of the world’s largest corporations, many of them household names, against a set of transparent quantitative and qualitative indicators. Due out …

“Offsetting must not be a license to continue polluting”

We joined the World Press Clubs Alliance for Climate launch event on Friday 23 October. Watch the interview with Sabine Frank here. Companies and governments are announcing “climate-neutrality” targets, and consumers are being offered ways to offset their carbon footprint. What does this mean in practice? How can we distinguish between real climate action and …

EU climate package to end access to international offsets

Carbon Market Watch welcomes the European Commission’s proposal to end the EU’s dependency on international offsets in its 2030 climate package but says the failure to address the current oversupply of 2 billion emission permits in the European emissions trading scheme will weaken the real-world impact of the new targets.    Eva Filzmoser, Director of Carbon …