COP26: Kyoto-era carbon credits will not repay our debt to the climate

Outdated carbon credits issued under the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism must be scrapped for the sake of the climate, argues Gilles Dufrasne. Carbon markets are high on the agenda of this year’s COP26 climate conference as countries meet again to agree on rules governing the Paris Agreement. One of the most contentious negotiation items …

Introduction aux marchés du carbone – Un guide des mecanismes mondiaux de compensation

Ce dossier offre une vue d’ensemble des discussions actuelles concernant l’Article 6 de l’Accord de Paris, qui établit les fondements de mécanismes de marché visant à lutter contre les changements climatiques après 2020. Les grandes leçons à tirer des marchés issus du Protocole de Kyoto y sont exposées, les questions essentielles au coeur des négociations …

Mercados de carbono 101 – La guía definitiva sobre mecanismos climáticos basados en el mercado

Este informe ofrece un panorama de las actuales discusiones bajo el Artículo 6 del Acuerdo de París, donde se establecen los pilares de las medidas climáticas basadas en el mercado después del año 2020. Describe las principales lecciones aprendidas de los mercados del Protocolo de Kioto, haciendo especial hincapié en los problemas fundamentales de las …

Carbon markets 101 – the ultimate guide to global offsetting mechanisms

This briefing gives an overview of the current discussions under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement which establishes the foundation for market-based climate measures after 2020. It lays out key lessons from the Kyoto Protocol markets, highlights essential issues within the Article 6 negotiations, and provides recommendations on how to solve them. It concludes with …

Existing UN carbon credits will do nothing to offset aviation industry pollution, new Nature study finds

A new paper published in Nature Climate Change confirms that relying on outdated Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) carbon credits to compensate aviation emissions will do nothing for climate action. You can read the full paper here (paywall): Warnecke et al. (2019): “Robust eligibility criteria essential for new global scheme to offset aviation emissions”, Nature Climate …

UN market negotiations: Will we learn from the past?

The divide between countries on key elements of the new UN carbon markets have become apparent at the last UNFCCC session which closed last week in Bangkok. Open questions around the transition of old markets and how to ensure that carbon offsets do not water down climate ambition are set to continue during COP24, when major rules of the Paris Rulebook are expected to be finalised in December in Katowice, Poland.

The New Article 6: We Know What We Need (ECO: UNFCCC SB48)

Market negotiations resumed at full speed in Bangkok, with new text being published after only one day of negotiations. Parties are feeling the pressure now that COP24 is looming. We’ve started the session by hearing lists of priorities for items that could not be postponed to 2019 (assuming  that not all issues could be resolved …

Reconciling CORSIA and the Sustainable Development Mechanism

Executive Summary The Paris Agreement breaks away from the division of “developed” vs. “developing” countries which was enshrined in the Kyoto Protocol. It sets a new dynamic which will inevitably impact the next generation of carbon markets. It further sets new objectives for these mechanisms, such as contributing to overall mitigation of global GHG emissions and …