CMW’s views on Article 6.4 SB’s recommendations to CMA

After much debate and many meetings, the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body concluded its draft recommendations on removals and on methodological requirements on 17 November, and forwarded them for countries’ consideration at COP28. If they are adopted, they will have significant repercussions on how methodologies are developed and on how removal activities would feature in the Article 6.4 market. Whether these …

CMW’s COP28 recommendations to SBSTA on key Article 6 topics

The below table provides CMW’s recommendations concerning key Article 6 topics on which SBSTA is mandated to provide recommendations/guidance for adoption by the CMA at COP28. These recommendations build on a previous set of recommendations CMW had prepared ahead of SB 58. To summarise, for Article 6.2: Sequencing: The 6.2 process should have clearly separated, …


Join CMW in demanding a firewall between emissions reductions, land sequestration and carbon removals

Carbon Market Watch calls on organisations, businesses and academics to join its open call for the EU to explicitly separate its targets and policies for emissions reductions, carbon sequestration in the land sector and permanent removals in its post-2030 climate framework.