January newsletter editorial: Europe’s sustainable energy quandary

Dear friends, Shortly before a dinner guest around our New Year’s Eve table asked me whether it will really be possible to satisfy all our future energy needs with electricity from renewable sources, the European Commission slipped through its controversial proposal for what constitutes green investment.  In the Commission’s draft addition to the green taxonomy, …

Net-zero illusions: The rise of ‘carbon-neutral’ fossil fuels

Like dry water and hot snow, carbon-neutral fossil fuels are pipe dreams and marketing gimmicks that do nothing to protect the climate, a new Carbon Market Watch investigation reveals. Jonathan Crook investigates. In case you haven’t heard, there’s a new greenwashing trend spreading like wildfire. It consists of oil and gas giants, like Shell, Total, …

Net-zero pipe dreams: Why fossil fuels cannot be carbon neutral

Executive summary With fossil fuels being branded “carbon neutral” left and right, this Carbon Market Watch investigative report analyses 18 recent carbon neutrality claims in detail, uncovering that they amount to brazen greenwashing. These “carbon neutral” fossil fuel claims primarily concern liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargoes, with two relating to oil and condensate shipments. The …

From pipeline to pipe dream: why there’s no such thing as shipping carbon-neutral LNG 

This opinion piece was first published on Splash247 on 22 March “Carbon-neutral” liquefied natural gas (LNG) is the new kid on the block when it comes to fake climate credentials. The number of deals across the world is growing at an alarming pace. This greenwashing trend is wrong at many levels. First, let it be …