Plainte auprès du jury d’éthique publicitaire belge, portant sur la communication de “neutralité carbone” de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA 2022

La présente plainte porte sur la publicité de « neutralité carbone », par la FIFA, de la Coupe du Monde de Football 2022 au Qatar. Nous jugeons que cette communication par la FIFA constitue une publicité envers le public, qu’elle est trompeuse et fausse, et qu’elle enfreint les règles et codes du Jury d’Ethique Publicitaire …

Plainte auprès du jury d’éthique publicitaire belge, portant sur la communication de “neutralité carbone” de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA 2022

La présente plainte porte sur la publicité de « neutralité carbone », par la FIFA, de la Coupe du Monde de Football 2022 au Qatar. Nous jugeons que cette communication par la FIFA constitue une publicité envers le public, qu’elle est trompeuse et fausse, et qu’elle enfreint les règles et codes du Jury d’Ethique Publicitaire …

Poor tackling: Yellow card for 2022 FIFA World Cup’s carbon neutrality claim – Updated

Executive summary The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar is being advertised as a “carbon neutral” event. This means that its net impact on the climate is zero or negligible. However, our investigation of the available evidence casts serious doubts on this claim, which likely underestimates the tournament’s true emissions levels and climate impact. This …

FIFA 2022 World Cup’s “carbon neutral” claim is far-fetched and spurious

The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar has advertised itself as a carbon-neutral tournament. However, a thorough Carbon Market Watch analysis reveals that this claim lacks credibility due to the apparent large-scale underestimation of the event’s emissions and the low quality of the carbon credits currently purchased to offset the climate impact.

FIFA World Cup in Qatar scores own goal with misleading carbon neutrality claim, new report

The FIFA World Cup in Qatar advertises itself as the first carbon-neutral tournament of its kind. Our latest research casts serious doubt on this claim, suggesting that this goal will be achieved through creative accounting rather than actually reaching a carbon footprint of (net) zero.

Hollow corporate promises: How to stop false climate claims

Corporations are exaggerating their climate action, according to our recent report. But what are the next steps for those companies who truly want to reduce their impact on the climate? And how can governments stop false or misleading pledges sneaking into advertising? The Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, a joint report from Carbon Market Watch and …

Top corporations use misleading climate pledges to greenwash image, new report

Major global companies are avoiding meaningful climate action and are instead using false, misleading or ambiguous green claims, a new report shows. The first Climate Corporate Responsibility Monitor assesses the pledges made by 25 of the world’s largest corporations, many of them household names, against a set of transparent quantitative and qualitative indicators. Due out …

Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor

The Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor evaluates the transparency and integrity of companies’ climate pledges. Companies around the world are increasingly alert to the climate emergency. They face calls from a growing range of stakeholders to take responsibility for the impact of their activities. Most large companies now have public climate strategies and targets, many of …