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Why the EU must strengthen its climate target, including in the Emissions Trading System

There are multiple arguments for why the EU’S 2030 climate target aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% is not compatible with the 1.5°C temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. The EU thus will need to look at how it can do more.

Substantial additional action in all economic sectors and in all EU Member States is needed and possible. Even while substantial reductions – well beyond the 2020 target – have been achieved in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), also the sectors covered by this legislation can do much more. This can be facilitated by a number of improvements to the proposed revision of the ETS Directive, including through rebasing emission levels to actual levels of emissions and by increasing the annual linear reduction factor.


This briefing is part of the activities organised within the LIFE ETX project.   


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