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Carbon Market Watch inputs to the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body ahead of its 10th meeting: appeal and grievance processes

Carbon Market Watch welcomes the Call for Input for the annotated agenda and related annexes of the next meeting of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body. We would hereby like to submit input on A6.4-SB010-AA-A04 – Draft procedure: Appeal and grievance processes under the Article 6.4 mechanism.

For a grievance process, it is of utmost importance that it is designed by and with those who will be engaging with it. Therefore, more input is essential to ensure it works for, rather than against, its users. Carbon Market Watch urges the Supervisory Body to actively seek input from IPLCs and other rightsholders as part of a structured consultation, in addition to the one-week window of the current Call for Input. This consultation should be open for submissions for at least a month, and could take place after the 10th meeting of the Supervisory Body. We also urge the 6.4 SB to actively reach out to the Indigenous Peoples constituency to flag this consultation and encourage their participation. Due to its current condition and the need for further consultation, we do not expect the draft procedure to be ready for adoption at the 11th meeting of the Supervisory Body.

Our recommendations can be found below.

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