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Emissions Trading Extra

Harnessing people power to reduce emissions

With the climate emergency heating up and a fossil fuel energy crisis in the making, the need for accelerated, sustainable and fair climate action has become ever more urgent.

“Emissions Trading Extra (ETX) aims to make carbon markets work for EU citizens and the climate.”

Emissions Trading Extra (ETX) seeks to enhance climate governance around the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS), the EU’s main tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the industrial and energy sectors, and for ensuring that the polluter pays.

Energising civil society

The project promotes broader and more robust civil society participation in policymaking and monitoring, as well as greater international collaboration, to ensure that the ETS benefits the climate and ordinary people. ETX also carries out scientific assessments and conducts capacity-building that will help empower civil society to engage in this extremely technical yet vital policy area.

The ETS covers around 40% of Europe’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, carbon emissions from sectors like steel, cement and chemicals have barely decreased in the past decade.  ETX is working to tackle this problematic reality to ensure that the EU’s carbon market, which is set to expand to cover new areas, plays its full role in the transition towards climate neutrality. 


  • Increase civil society’s awareness and knowledge of the functioning of the ETS and carbon pricing, and boost its capacity to campaign for better policies and implementation 
  • Promote the engagement of European citizens and other key stakeholders supporting pan-European and international replication.
  • Provide a scientific knowledge base to assess the functioning and potential of the ETS for achieving improved 2030 climate targets, as well as the development of carbon pricing policies at the national and European levels.

More info about the project and the upcoming activities HERE.


ETX project manager, Elisa Martellucci (
ETX communications lead, Noemi Rodrigo Sabio (





Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Netherlands,
Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Serbia, Ukraine

July 2021 – June 2024

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