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Webinar: Carbon Markets at COP25

Click here to watch the webinar: 

Date and time: Monday 25 November 2019, 15.00-16.15 CET

This webinar will discuss the state of play of the Paris Agreement market negotiations and explore the future of global carbon markets and the role they can play in addressing the climate crisis.
Panel & Moderator


  • Jacob Werksman, European Commission Directorate-General for Climate Action – Watch
  • MJ Mace, Article 6 negotiator representing the AOSIS group (Presentation here) – Watch
  • Stefano de Clara, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) (Presentation here) – Watch
  • Gilles Dufrasne, Carbon Market Watch (See presentation here) – Watch

The webinar was moderated by climate and energy journalist Sonja Van Renssen.

Watch the Q&A Session – Part one here
 – Part two here

Background: Last year in Katowice, UN negotiators failed to agree on the details of the Paris Agreement Article 6 which lays the foundation for future market mechanisms. It is the last remaining open question of the “Paris Rulebook” to implement the global climate deal. It will be crucial to design the future market measures in a way that they protect the environment and human rights, drive sustainable development and reduce global emissions instead of merely shifting pollution from one place to another. Clear and strong rules are needed to avoid climate efforts being counted towards multiple commitments.

Further reading:

Article: Global carbon market negotiations are running out of (over)time
Briefing: Carbon markets 101 – the ultimate guide to global offsetting mechanisms

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