Carbon Market Watch at COP22 in Marrakech

    Just after the Paris Agreement enters into force, the world will reconvene in Marrakesh to put the interpretive meat on the bones of the Paris Agreement, including on the role of carbon markets, notably Cooperative Approaches and the Sustainable Development Mechanism (SDM) in Article 6. In elaborating the rules of Article 6, Carbon …

NGOs and scientists challenge the Swedish Energy Agency – ‘Stop supporting false climate change solutions in Uganda’

Scroll down for French and Spanish The Swedish Energy Agency (SEA) has faced criticism for purchasing CDM carbon credits from a tree plantation project at Kachung, Uganda. The SEA signed a 20 year (2012-2032) purchase agreement with Norwegian company Green Resources, but later suspended payments due to problems with the project. In March 2016 the …

Barro Blanco: communities flooded despite rejected agreement – NGOs ask for withdrawal of CDM’s registration

On September 17, Ngäbe people rejected an agreement between top representatives and the government, signed only a month before. In the meantime, the test filling of the reservoir resumed which has flooded affected communities. Carbon Market Watch along with 80 other local and international NGOs, have called on the Panamanian authorities to withdraw the Barro …

Barro Blanco: flooding suspended, international lenders pressured to act

Faced with intense national and international pressure, Panamanian authorities suspended the flooding of the Barro Blanco reservoir two weeks after it began. International lenders are being pressured by international NGOs as they have a key role in settling the situation. On May 22nd, Panama’s National Authority for Public Services (ASEP) announced a “test flooding” of …

Carbon markets in the Paris Agreement: what’s next on the negotiation agenda?

The Paris Climate Conference agreed on strong provisions for markets, alongside provisions for non-market approaches. Next on the agenda is figuring out how these pieces work and fit together, how to improve and transition from the Kyoto Protocol’s measures -the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI), and how to integrate robust safeguards to …

Barro Blanco: Panama urged to suspend hydro dam flooding amid growing concerns over human rights violations

Scroll down for French and Spanish In a move to bring the contentious Barro Blanco hydro dam project towards its completion, the Panamanian authorities have given the green light to begin flooding the reservoir. Affected indigenous communities still oppose the project, refusing to leave their endangered lands. Carbon Market Watch and other international NGOs have …

Barro Blanco: Flooding begins on UN approved hydro dam as indigenous defenders are forcefully removed

Washington DC, Bonn, Kiad, Panama 24 May 2016 – Today the floodgates were opened on the contentious UN backed Barro Blanco hydro dam in Panama, sparking forced removal by authorities of indigenous Ngäbe communities that are living in protest camps near the dam site. With construction finished, GENISA, the company that owns and operates the …

Watch This! NGO Newsletter #14: Lessons from the CDM for the SDM and climate finance

Scroll down for French and Spanish In a historic step, the Paris agreement recognized the interconnectivity of climate change and human rights, specifying in its preamble that “Parties should, when taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on human rights.” This also sets the foundation to make the newly established sustainable …

WATCH THIS! NGO Newsletter #13: Member Spotlight – Paryavaran Mitra: Friends of Environment

Scroll down for French and Spanish This section aims at putting a network member under our newsletter spotlight! In this edition, Mahesh Pandya introduces Paryavaran Mitra, an Indian voluntary organization working in the field of environment and pollution issues using environmental laws as an advocacy tool. You would like to be in the next Member …

CDM Board to discuss human rights safeguards

Following numerous incidents of human rights violations related to CDM projects, the CDM Board will, for the first time, discuss options to address these concerns at its next meeting starting on 12 October. It will also discuss recommendations to overhaul the CDM’s local stakeholder consultation rules, including a requirement that projects must repeat consultations if they have not been carried out in line with national laws.