Bhilangana III Hydro Power Project: how 24 MW destroy 14 villages

The 24 MW Bhilangana – III Hydro Power Project is currently being established at the Bhilangana river, the tributaries of Bhagirathi River in the Tehri District in the State of Uttarakhand and has applied for CDM in January 2008. Further to some alarming hints by NGOs in Delhi, we visited the dam area. The findings …

Strong guidance to improve additionality testing is needed (Newsletter #3)

During their next meeting, the Board will finally have the chance to improve additionality testing when it will consider new guidance to the barrier test “first-of-its-kind” and the “common practice analysis”. After a lengthy struggle between the European and Chinese/Indian members of the Executive Board who did not agree on the stringency of the criteria, …

Projects under consideration that should NOT qualify for registration or issuance of CERs (Newsletter #2)

It has been reported to CDM Watch that there will be couple of projects on the table that do not reduce emissions relative to alternate scenarios and in some cases even relative to the status quo. Moreover, these projects under question would not even contribute to sustainable development. Instead they reduce employment and create environmental …

Key items unaddressed in new methodology for biomass plantations on land areas (Newsletter #2)

At the next EB meeting, the Board will consider approving the new methodology NM0278 for the “Use of Charcoal from Renewable Biomass Plantations as Reducing Agent in Pig Iron Mill in Brazil”. This methodology would allow the establishment of new biomass plantations on the following land areas: (i)            Grasslands (ii)           Forest plantation after its last …

Recommendations for the efficiency in the operation of the CDM and opportunities for improvement

CDM Watch welcomes the opportunity to provide its views to the CDM Executive Board on strategic improvements in the operation of the CDM as requested by the CMP in its decision 2/CMP.4. CDM Watch is very concerned about the development of the CDM over the past years and presents these views in light of the …

Possible approval of Methodologies NM0278 for new biomass plantations on land areas (Newsletter #1)

On the basis of a recommendation by the Methodologies Panel, the Board may approve Methodologies NM0278. This Methodologies would allow the establishment of new biomass plantations on the following land areas: (i) grasslands, (ii) forest plantation after its last rotation, (iii) degraded areas. However, CDM Watch encourages the Board to reject this Methodologies or to …

Trouble with HFC-23 Projects (Newsletter #1)

Consideration of a request by Noe21 for revision of methodology AM0001 The Swiss non-governmental organization Noe21 submitted a request for revision of the methodology AM0001 for HFC-23 destruction to the Board in December 2007. The revision request aims to address perverse incentives in this methodology. Although the request was submitted 18 months ago and despite …