Civil Society CDM Workshop Brazil (Newsletter #11)

CDM Watch organized a 2-day CDM Workshop for NGOs, Activists and Citizens in Brazil’s capital Brasilia on 26 and 27 October. The steadily rising number of CDM projects in Brazil is observed with growing concern. The projects’ poor environmental integrity and lack of transparency paired with fraudulent activities to maximize credit issuance have put Brazilian …

A Geopolitics’ Approach to the Climate Change Regime: how making sense of sustainable development unwraps the Clean Development Mechanism

The paper argues that to understand the issues and problems we witness today within the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), it is essential to not only look at the container for these problems – the UNFCCC, but also the broader regime of practice, the Climate Change Regime. The paper offers an in-depth and detailed analysis of …

Controversial CDM project “Plantar” deemed to be rejected (Newsletter #7)

During this Board meeting, members will decide about the fate of one of the most controversial projects ever submitted to the CDM Executive Board. Project 2569 “Reforestation as Renewable Source of Wood Supplies for Industrial Use in Brazil” by Plantar S.A was vehemently criticized over the past years in numerous publications, videos, technical reports, open …

Palm trees and bamboos not eligible for A/R CDM project activities (Newsletter #7)

In May 2008, the Board clarified whether the definition of forests within the context of the CDM would include palm trees and bamboos. It decided that the definition may treat palm trees and bamboos in the same way as trees, if DNAs would confirm that in their forest definition. It also decided that the definitions …

Wrap up of CDM Reform in Copenhagen (Newsletter #6)

The yearly meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol took place for the 5th consecutive time in Copenhagen (CMP.5) in December 2009. One off the aims was  to improve the current CDM and to establish a yearly work programme for the CDM Executive Board. …

Insights from the CDM workshop for NGOs, activists and citizens in India (Newsletter #5)

NGOs, activists and citizens are very concerned about the development of the CDM over the past years. On 16 November 2009, more than 80 representatives of NGOs, activists and citizens of Armenia, Bangladesh, India and Uganda gathered at a workshop in New Delhi to discuss the CDM’s failure to meet both of its over-arching objectives …

Subsidies for monoculture tree plantations (Newsletter #4)

Currently, any plantation established on land that was forested after 1 January 1990 is excluded from the CDM. But the CDM EB is now considering a new possibility to include lands with “forests in exhaustion” as A/R CDM project activities. The results will be presented in December 2009 at COP-15 in Copenhagen. The term forests …

Key items unaddressed in new methodology for biomass plantations on land areas (Newsletter #2)

At the next EB meeting, the Board will consider approving the new methodology NM0278 for the “Use of Charcoal from Renewable Biomass Plantations as Reducing Agent in Pig Iron Mill in Brazil”. This methodology would allow the establishment of new biomass plantations on the following land areas: (i)            Grasslands (ii)           Forest plantation after its last …

Possible approval of Methodologies NM0278 for new biomass plantations on land areas (Newsletter #1)

On the basis of a recommendation by the Methodologies Panel, the Board may approve Methodologies NM0278. This Methodologies would allow the establishment of new biomass plantations on the following land areas: (i) grasslands, (ii) forest plantation after its last rotation, (iii) degraded areas. However, CDM Watch encourages the Board to reject this Methodologies or to …