COP24: Real facts or just dreams

Over the next two weeks more than 22,000 people – including parties, observers, and journalists will arrive to in the little mining city of Katowice (Poland). Guests will be welcomed not only by delicious pierogi (typical Polish dish) and cold temperatures, but above all by a crisp and exhilarating atmosphere. As the eyes of the …

UN market negotiations: Will we learn from the past?

The divide between countries on key elements of the new UN carbon markets have become apparent at the last UNFCCC session which closed last week in Bangkok. Open questions around the transition of old markets and how to ensure that carbon offsets do not water down climate ambition are set to continue during COP24, when major rules of the Paris Rulebook are expected to be finalised in December in Katowice, Poland.

Green finance must be people-friendly

Today, civil society organisations have sent out a letter to leaders of the European Commission to call on them to adopt financial investment rules which will benefit both the people and the environment. The letter is part of a wider effort from civil society to make sure that “sustainable” finance does not end up harming people …

WatchThis! – New scheme could breathe life back into the CDM (June 2018)

Scroll down for French and Spanish (4-minute read) Dear friends, We are delighted to share with you the very first digital hub edition of the platform which brings you content such as interviews with our network members, academics, and other experts, a space to promote your campaigns, upcoming events, articles, and more. Over the years, we …

Sham consultations, ruthless exploitation: CDM project experience in India

Guest article by Soumya Dutta, Beyond Copenhagen collective, India India hosts a big share of climate mitigation projects under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Many of these projects have blatantly violated the rights of affected communities and stakeholder consultations are carried out rarely if ever, writes Soumya Dutta. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was …

It’s time for rich countries to stop wasting money on fossil fuels

For almost a decade, the world’s most powerful economies have been making promises to stop channeling public money for fossil fuels that pollute our air and drive dangerous climate change, with little impact so far. This weekend’s G7 meeting in Canada is an opportunity to move from words to action. Expect intense discussions on a …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – May 2018

Editorial At the recent UN climate talks in Bonn, negotiations on future market provisions largely focused on the process, but key issues will need to be sorted out at the next session in Bangkok before the “Paris rulebook”  can be adopted. It is particularly important to have strong rules in place to protect the rights of those affected by climate …

Learning from Barro Blanco: how to improve public participation in climate projects

As negotiations on the Paris Agreement rules approach the finish line, it will be important to ensure that future climate mitigation projects respect human rights and the environment. Ever since flood waters started to rise at the Barro Blanco hydro dam site on the Tabasará river in Panama, destroying agricultural lands, cultural sites, and numerous …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – November 2017

Editorial The UN’s annual climate talks this year held in Bonn Germany saw moderate progress on implementing the Paris Agreement. However, critical questions on the functioning of future carbon markets remain wide open, making it impossible to assess if they will contribute to the fight against climate change. Meanwhile, the UN’s aviation body is drafting rules for …

Closing a (violent) chapter: Santa Rita hydro dam project officially cancelled

In October, the private sector lending arm of the World Bank Group (International Finance Corporation, IFC) confirmed the cancellation of a controversial Santa Rita hydroelectric project in Guatemala, approved under the UN’s carbon offsetting scheme Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The announcement follows a report by the IFC Ombudsman which found serious failings in the project …