September editorial: Seeking common ground on the climate crisis

The European Emissions Trading System covers almost half of Europe’s climate problem, but it occupies only a fraction of the public mind. We’ve teamed up with a dozen other NGOs in Europe for the Emissions Trading eXtra (ETX) project to shine a floodlight on the ETS and its future, as well as to tilt up …

International carbon markets at the frontier to the wild west

The failure to agree on rules for international carbon markets at COP 25 has been a victory for some and a disaster for others. Looking at it pragmatically, it was very much a “disaster averted” outcome since the rules on the table would have legitimised the use of markets riddled with loopholes. Far from ideal, …


Scroll down for French and Spanish Welcome to this latest edition of the WT! (Watch This!). In this edition we bring you campaign updates from COP25 in Madrid, Spain and actions from around the globe to sound the alarm bells on the climate crisis.   Carbon Markets @ COP25  Negotiations on carbon markets have moved slow …

Indian perspective of COP25

Scroll down for French and Spanish An interview with Falguni Joshi (CMW member from Gujarat, India Q1: Can you describe what you/your organisation is working on? I have been working on environmental issues since 1997, especially strengthening people’s participation in environmental decision-making processes, creating awareness, raising material on environmental issues, disseminating knowledge about climate change …

Four reasons why only new, good (!) projects should be funded under Article 6

Originally published in Carbon Markets at COP25 blog on 2 December 2019 Starting today and continuing over the coming days, we’ll break the issue down into four key elements that could make or break the future carbon market schemes. One of the thorniest issues is the question of whether or not the old credits from …

Watch This! Sail2COP – On the waves of Greta (October 2019)

Scroll down for French and Spanish Welcome to this latest edition of the Watch This! Or as we like to call simply WT!  We hope you can deal with another acronym in your busy life. In this edition, we will be exploring the various forms of engagement, from direct civil activism to the weeds of …

UN climate negotiators to discuss future carbon markets as calls to end offsetting grow louder

This week, UN climate negotiators are meeting in Bonn, Germany, to try and find common ground on the Paris Agreement’s market provisions. There is growing political momentum to move beyond offsetting in global climate policy, but only a handful of countries around the negotiating table are willing to walk the talk. “We can no longer …

COP24 overshadowed by market failure as countries fail to agree on basic accounting principles and the future of the CDM

COP24 closed this evening in Katowice, Poland, more than 24 hours later than initially planned. Despite smooth progress at first, negotiations ended in confusion as it proved impossible to find an agreement within the article 6 negotiations, which work to set up two new carbon markets for the post-2020 period. The text presented to all …