How Large Hydro Undermines the Principles of the CDM – The Dardanelos and Bujagali Projects (Newsletter #10)

As of this week there are 1529 Hydro projects seeking CERs through the CDM. But large hydro power projects seriously un-dermine the objectives of the CDM because hardly any of them are additional. Concerns about the additionality of 17 of these projects based in China have been highlighted by Board members prior to this week’s …

A Geopolitics’ Approach to the Climate Change Regime: how making sense of sustainable development unwraps the Clean Development Mechanism

The paper argues that to understand the issues and problems we witness today within the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), it is essential to not only look at the container for these problems – the UNFCCC, but also the broader regime of practice, the Climate Change Regime. The paper offers an in-depth and detailed analysis of …

Key safeguards in the CDM appeals procedure (Newsletter #9)

In Decision 2/CMP.5, the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol requested the Board to design procedures for appeals to challenge decisions by the CDM Executive Board and DOE performance[1]. The inclusion of an appeals procedure in the CDM project approval process presents a crucial opportunity for the Board to promote enhanced accountability, legitimacy and public trust …

Key safeguards in the future CDM appeals procedure (Newsletter #8)

In Decision 2/CMP.5, the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol requested the Board to design – following consultation with stakeholder – procedures for appeals to challenge decisions by the CDM Executive Board and DOE performance[1]. Therefore, the Board lodged a call for inputs from stakeholders and will discuss the input received for the first time during …

Carbon Trading: How it works and why it fails

By Carbon Trade Watch: Carbon trading lies at the centre of global climate policy and is projected to become one of the world’s largest commodities markets, yet it has a disastrous track record since its adoption as part of the Kyoto Protocol. Carbon Trading: how it works and why it fails outlines the limitations of …

Money for Nothing!!!

download pdf file CDM for Sustainable Development?  Money for Nothing!!!  A People’s Perspective by Ajita Tiwari and Nafisa Goga D’Souza, Laya Resource Center This crucial study shares full descriptions and critical on-the-ground insights from seven CDM projects in India that shed light on the most disastrous consequences to local communities and local workers.  The authors …