Upcoming Civil Society Workshop on Carbon Markets, Bangkok (Newsletter #16)

CDM Watch will facilitate a three-day workshop for civil society from the South East Asia region in Bangkok, Thailand from 12-14 October. The event will focus on the role of civil society in carbon markets and is co-organised by Focus on the Global South. More than 700 CDM projects are located in South East Asia. …

Communication Between The CDM World And The ´Outside` World (Newsletter #16)

CDM Executive Board members usually call people not part of the inner CDM circle the ‘outside world’. Communication between these two worlds is often not as constructive as would be necessary to ensure the integrity of the CDM. During this upcoming meeting Board members have the opportunity to improve this situation by strengthening guidance on …

Success stopping CDM registration of harmful large hydro projects (Newsletter #16)

Guest article by Katy Yan, International Rivers Many large hydro projects in the CDM are contentious because most are non-additional and cause environmental and social harm. International Rivers supports grassroots efforts to stop harmful hydro projects. Over the past few years collaboration between NGOs and active stakeholder engagement has increased dramatically. Encouragingly, almost a third …

Press Release: EU action required as UN Panel keeps flawed rules of carbon offsetting scheme in place

Brussels/Washington. The UN´s CDM Executive Board has once again failed to address flawed rules of controversial coal and HFC-23 projects. Environmental groups are now calling on the European Union to ban carbon credits from coal projects in the EU´s Emissions Trading Scheme. The groups also call for additional safeguards to exclude credits from projects linked to human rights abuses.

Press Release: Controversial coal projects continue to be registered despite serious concerns over the methodology to be reviewed by CDM Executive Board

Washington D.C. As an United Nations panel of technical experts prepares to deliberate on the suspension of coal projects that, if approved, could lead to hundreds of millions of artificial carbon credits under the Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM), the CDM Executive Board registers another contested “Ultra Mega” coal project.

Press Release: Call to ban CDM projects linked to human rights abuses

Brussels. This week the United Nation’s Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board will decide whether to register a controversial carbon offsetting project in Honduras linked to serious human rights abuses. The project has triggered questions on whether credits from carbon offsetting projects that violate human rights should be banned in the European carbon market.

A meaningful CDM Appeals Procedure (Newsletter #15)

At the UNFCCC intersession a few weeks ago, Parties continued negotiating the details of an appeals procedure, including who should have the right to appeal against decisions of the CDM Executive Board. This is a positive step towards creating a more accountable, democratic and fair system for populations affected by CDM projects. CDM projects have …

D-day for the Aguan biogas project in Honduras linked to human rights abuses (Newsletter #15)

The issue of human rights violations linked to CDM projects (and how to address them) has been highlighted by the Aguan biogas project in the Bajo Aguan region of Honduras. The project is linked to serious human rights violations. Five people have allegedly been killed by the project developer´s own security forces. The project is …

The Mandate to Protect Human Rights in the CDM (Newsletter #17)

Over the past months, allegations about CDM projects related to human rights violations have increased pressure on international policy makers to address this issue at the upcoming UNFCCC conference in Durban. CDM Watch believes that the United Nations, including the CDM Executive Board, as well as the European Union and other buyers have a mandate …