Clean Development? – How Luxembourg is reducing its greenhouse gas emissions abroad

download pdf file Clean Development? – How Luxembourg is reducing its greenhouse gas emissions abroad by Dietmar Mirkes The study, prepared by Action Solidarité Tiers Monde (ASTM) focuses on climate policy in Luxembourg on the occasion of national and European elections in June 2009, but it also serves as a case study for how EU …

Revision of HFC-23 methodology – still no reaction from the EB (Newsletter #2)

HFC-23 is an unwanted by-product in the production of HCFC-22, a refrigerant and temporary substitute to CFCs. The HFC-23 has a Global Warming Potential 11’700 times higher than CO2. Its destruction in HCFC-22 plants in developing countries can be registered as a CDM project and leads to the issuance of a large amount of credits. …

Projects under consideration that should NOT qualify for registration or issuance of CERs (Newsletter #2)

It has been reported to CDM Watch that there will be couple of projects on the table that do not reduce emissions relative to alternate scenarios and in some cases even relative to the status quo. Moreover, these projects under question would not even contribute to sustainable development. Instead they reduce employment and create environmental …

Key items unaddressed in new methodology for biomass plantations on land areas (Newsletter #2)

At the next EB meeting, the Board will consider approving the new methodology NM0278 for the “Use of Charcoal from Renewable Biomass Plantations as Reducing Agent in Pig Iron Mill in Brazil”. This methodology would allow the establishment of new biomass plantations on the following land areas: (i)            Grasslands (ii)           Forest plantation after its last …

Carbon leakage caused by adipic acid projects (Newsletter #2)

In total, four projects that reduce N2O from adipic acid production are currently registered in China, South Korea and Brazil. While this technology has become business as usual and integral part of most adipic acid plants in almost all countries, the CDM is generating lucrative business which has resulted in a production shift from Annex …

Revision of ACM0002 for renewable power generation (Newsletter #1)

The Methodologies Panel recommends the Board to revise the Methodologies ACM0002 for renewable power generation (paragraph 28 of the Meth Panel meeting report). CDM Watch welcomes this proposal for revision as it broadens the scope of the Methodologies to projects that retrofit existing renewable power plants. In addition and as part of this revision, CDM …

Serious concerns against new Nitric Acid projects (Newsletter #1)

The Board will consider requests for resubmission of previously rejected requests for issuance. It will also discuss several responses to requests for revision of methodologies related to Nitric Acid CDM projects. The greenhouse gas N2O has a global warming potential (GWP) of 310 according to the IPCC (1998) standardization compared to a global warming potential …

Trouble with HFC-23 Projects (Newsletter #1)

Consideration of a request by Noe21 for revision of methodology AM0001 The Swiss non-governmental organization Noe21 submitted a request for revision of the methodology AM0001 for HFC-23 destruction to the Board in December 2007. The revision request aims to address perverse incentives in this methodology. Although the request was submitted 18 months ago and despite …